Chapter 15: Time to join the Boys

Start from the beginning

" nazareth." Dean answered.

After investigating the crash site and finding more sulfur, we headed to Jerry's office. Whom confirmed it being sulfur.

We found out that the planes went down 40 minutes in and this was not the first time either. And with the 'no survivors' message we knew then that the demon was after them. After we called all the survivors there was only one left a flight attendant named Amanda walker. At the airport we tried to stop her from getting on board but that failed sooo-

"I really hate flying." Dean cursed griping the sides of the chair.

"Don't worry we'll be fine." I tried to reassure him.

"We are not fine."

"So did she react." Sam questioned.

"No! I said  Cristo twice she has to be the most well adjusted person ever."  He complained.

"Well I guess we'll just have to find it another way." And So dean and Sam took the front of the plane wile I took the back looking for the demon, I'm like 85% sure it's the co-pilot but my memory is a little bit off on the filler episodes.

"It's the co-pilot." Dean whispered to me. I knew it!

We headed to the back of the plane

"Oh, hi." Amanda said looking up as we came in. "Flight's not too bumpy for you, I hope."

"Actually, that's kind of what we need to talk to you about." Dean spoke as Sam closed the curtain behind us.

"Um, okay. What can I do for you?" She asked

"This is gonna sound nuts, but we just don't have time for the whole true "this out there" speech right now."

"Look, we know you were on flight 2485."

"Who are you guys?"

"Now, we've spoken to some other survivors.
We know something brought down that plane and it wasn't a mechanical failure."

"We need your help Because we need to stop from happening again.- Here. Now."

"- I'm sorry - Here, I-I'm very busy." She stared to leave.

"- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second.
I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?" Dean stoped her path. "But listen to me, huh the pilot in 2485, Chuck Lambert. he's dead."

"Wait. What? What, Chuck is dead?"

"He died in a plane crash." I said

"That's two plane crashes in two months." Interrupted Dean . "That doesn't strike you as strange?."

"Look, there was something wrong with 2485.
Now maybe you're sensitive maybe you didn't but there's something wrong with this flight, too." Sam pled.

"Amanda,you have to believe us." I spoke.

"On on 2485, there was this man.He had these eyes." She admitted.

"Yes. That's exactly what we're talking about." Sam affirmed.

"I don't understand what are you asking me to do?" She asked.

"Okay. The copilot, we need you bring him back here." Dean said.

"Why? What does he have to do with anything"

"Don't have time to explain. We just need to talk to him." I reassured her. Yea just a talk...

"Okay? How am I supposed to go in the cockpit - and get the copilot - I."

Sam interrupted "there's something broken back here, whatever will get him out of that cockpit."

"Do you know that I could lose my job - if you"

"you're gonna lose a lot more if you don't help us out." Dean said.

"Okay." She whispered. We watched as she went up to the front of the plane, then hid as she brought back the pilot.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" The pilot asked entering. Only for Dean to punch him in the face.

"Wait. What are you doing? You said you were just gonna talk to him." Amanda questioned.

"We are gonna talk to him." Dean said, as he pored the holy water on him.

It started to burn him "Oh, my god.
What's wrong with him?" She asked.

"Look.We need you calm.-We need you outside the curtain." I said up to her.

"- well, I don't understand, I don't know Don't let anybody in, okay? Can you do that? Can you do that? Amanda?"

"Okay.Okay." She repeated. Heading out side the curtain.

"Hurry up, Sam. I don't know how much longer we can hold him." I said to Sam as he started to read the the prayer.

"I know what happened to your girlfriend!" The demon said stopping Sam's reading. Did he know? I thought I was so carfu-"She must have died screaming! Even now, she's burning!" Never mind.

"Sam!" We yelled snapping him out of it.

"I got him." Sam said holding on to him with us.

The demon started to struggle then he left the body.

"Where'd he go?"

"He's in the plane.Hurry up. We got to finish it." Dean said but before Sam could reach the book the plane was falling.

It was cause. And for the life of me I stared to Speak. "We exercise you, every impure spirit, every satanic power, every incursion of the infernal adversary, every legion, every congregation and diabolical sect."

"What are you!" A voice rang out through the plane... and the demon was no more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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