Chapter 4: Freedom

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It's been about 1,320 years sense Sam Winchester drank Azazels blood or 11 years earth time. Lucifer and I haven't talked about how I knew who his vessel was, nor I trying to convince him to rethink his plan. We just avoid the topic. We still talked though. Like today were right now discussing on how to pull a perfect prank, but I kept zoning out. There just seem to be something off about today...

"Preparation is Important, yet you should be prepared for anything, Gabriel alway-" He continued to speak, but I zoned out again.

"Hey you alright over there?"

I looked up.

"Sorry I just feel that something is going to happen..." I responded, still having a nagging feeling.

"Something bad? Cause we are in hell after all."

"No just something... maybe I'm just-"

That's when it happened. The whole place shook, an earthquake?

"ROSE!" I heard Lucifer shout. Suddenly there was a gray smoke sounding me, I couldn't see. Then... the bars of my prison came down.


All I could see was gray...

"Let go"

A voice, not Lucifer's, no one I recognized from a long time ago. I let go.

I was free, I could see, I was the gray cloud.
Did I turn demon? I thought, yet I din't feel demonic. I saw Lucifer in his cage and went twords him.


But as I reached for his cage he shouted
I was taken aback


"GO this is your chance."

"But I-"

"Now, I'll... I'll see you again"

I flew, I raced across hell and when I saw the light I broke through.

The sun. I never thought I would see it again. The warmth it held, and the sky so blue. I felt light, free. I flew the the open sky smelling the cleanness of the air. I think I flew around in the air for about an hour before I realized my appearance. Was I really just a cloud of gray smoke, but I din't break shouldn't I be huma-
I fell. I started to tumble into the open field. I looked up at the sky.
"Damn that hurt" I said, wait. Why was my voice so high? Like a little kid? I stood up the grass was tall; to tall. I looked down I was wearing a white dress, I looked smaller. Weird.
I somehow went from a cloud of gray to a human. Could I shift between the two?
Let's try. I thought about being lighter then air then... I was a cloud again, it felt weird like I could see all that was around me. I decide it best if I found a mirror or a news paper to figure out what was going on. I flew for a few miles till I finally found a gas station. I went behind and quickly changed back into my human form. Walking to the the front of the store, there weren't any cars, going inside the cashier seemed emerged in his newspaper, I headed straight to the bathroom.

"What the?"

Looking at my reflection I barely recognized myself. I was 11 or maybe 12? My features didn't change much sapphire blue eyes, fair skin, other then my long straight bleached white hair! I remember for a fact that my hair in my first life was darker... and short, so what with the change, and how did I get free? God?
Then I remembered. God the one who put me in that cage, he told me to find him when the time was right, well...what other time is better then now. I needed to find God, or would it be Chuck?
I looked down at my attire. First I needed to find new cloths. As I exited the store I took a quick glance at the news paper.

The year was 1994.That will be difficult to get accustomed too.

  When I got to a town I stole some cloths from a thrift store along with a backpack to carry around extra sets, and anything else I may need. I changed from my white dress to a pair of jeans, a red and black stripped long sleeve shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes. Then I hit the library. If I was going to find Chuck I'll be needing to know his address, and with the technology these days it was going to be tricky. The library wasn't packed, people strolled a long the isles. Sitting down at a boxy computer, Being glad that in my first life I chose to major in computer science, so finding the elusive Chuck Shurley was not that difficult, I memorized his address.
And left in a cloud of smoke

I was standing in front of Gods house. You would think he would be living it grand after ditching heaven. But I suppose we all have our preferences.
I went up to the door; and knocked.
I waited for a few minutes, the anticipation was killing me, and then their he was, the almighty God.

"Can I help you" he asked

Filled with hope I said "Yes, I have some question for you and-"

"Sorry I don't have time for a survey, have a nice day" he interrupted, then closed the door.
I stood there. Did he really just closed the door on me? I have been waiting millennia's to get answers and he just shuts the door on me. Hell no!
I knocked again more forcefully this time.

"I told you, I'm not buying what ever it is your selling-" he started,but I was not having it.

"Listen I have been Through hell and I'm tired of your games." I pushed passed him, and into his house. " I was board for billions of years with nothing to do, then had to listen to your son complain-" I then turned toward him " then some how we became friends which is fine and all. But then I find out that I'm in a t.v. Show. And..."

"Wow wow, hold on a second kid you must have me confused for someone else. Here let me call your parents" he headed to the kitchen facing away from me. Was he seriously faking not knowing who I am? Did he think I'm that stupid?

"I know who you are" I spoke in enochian.

"I'm just Chuck Shurly, I don't know who you think I am."

"Your God" I replied.

He turned to me "ah thanks?... but I'm no god"

"Really then how do you know enochian?" I got him.
He frowned realizing his mistake.

"Who are you?" He demanded.

"Who am I?!...your the one that put me in the cage, and told me to be 'patient'"


"Damn straight" he finally seemed to get it.

"Sorry, ah sit down" he motioned to the coach. "I believe you have a lot of questions."

"You bet."

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