Chapter 5: Questions Finally Answered.

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  "So..." Chuck trailed off, sitting down across from me.

"Okay. Well first off what the hell? Why hell? And the cage do you have any idea how boring that was? And then Lucifer? What's with the gray smoke, and why is my hair white? Why am I a little kid? Why din't you recognized me? And 'Supernatural'? Why-"

"Wow wow!" He put his hands up. "Time out! Where do I start... okay um... well the hole 'Supernatural' thing... well you see this is the world that came after your world. The writers of the TV show were actually prophets."

"Prophets ?"

"Ya  they saw what this world would be like and decided to make it into a TV show not actually realizing they were seeing the future...actually most writers are just prophets who see far futures or distant passes."

"Okay..." I was trying to wrap my head around what he said. "So they just saw so far into the future they just thought it was their imagination?"

"Basically ya..."

"Okay but what about me where do I fit into all this?"

He sighed. "Well you see... my sister 'the Darkness' was destroying your world, and with fighting the old Lucifer at the time my hands were full, and knowing how this world was going to turn out... I decided to add another factor to the equation" he pointed at me. "You."

Confusion was written upon my face.


"I need someone to help balance me and my sister. A strong soul, that won't break."

"And you chose me?"

"As you've said you are 'the record holder' of not being tortured, and when I asked you to let go and forget it all, you denied. So I saw my opportunity."

How did this happen? I was once a normal human, with a normal life. I went through hell, and now I'm here in a time and place where I did not belong.
"So what Am I?" Was I even human?

"Your like a... godly... celestial being, more powerful then an archangel, but less powerful then me." He pointed at my hair. "The  hair is just a side affect."

"And the whole smoke thing?"

"Well angels are white wisps, demons black smoke, so... your a gray cloud... a in between."

"Okay..." I guess I could get that. Going through hell kinda gets ride of your skepticisms, but...

"Why am I a kid!?"

"I... don't know it was probably the age your subconscious chose."

"Can I ya know, change age?"

"I suppose, but you would have to eat souls so..."

"Normal aging it is then" definitely not eating a bunch of innocent souls.

"How come you din't recognize me? Were you just kidding or-"

"No I really didn't recognize you... your power is sorta on default mode so unless you want to be a beacon of light to every supernatural being-."

"Just keep it on default?"


I thought over everything he said. Their was just something I din't understand.

"Why am I here. Besides to help stop your sister?"

"Well sense my sis is till trapped in the seal. I wanted you to take over things"


"I want you to be god" he said putting his hands together.


"I want you to take over my old position. Heaven needs a leader. Someone who will make new rules. Someone who understands humans."

"But I don't want to rule!" It's true the idea of ruling just seemed like... to much work. Heaven and the world? No thank you. "And isn't your son Michal ruling what I'm I suppose to do just go up there and say " hi I'm Rose god sent me here to rule, I have been in hell for a few years and-.' Wait why was I in hell?"

"Well besides the point of you running around on earth, before you were needed... to change Lucifer's perspective."


He shrugged "well ya... my son never had many friends so... I thought if you too were stuck together he may change his mind about humanity."

"Well friendship check. But I don't think he really changed his mind of humanity that much."

"Well it was worth a shot."

"Ya my freedom at the expense." I sneered at him.

"Okay my bad sorry." Apologizing. I rolled my eyes. "But back to the topic. How you wish to take over heaven is up to you, Well if you want to that is. You do still have free will so when ever you feel like it."

I thought it over. Ya definitely not taking over heaven any time soon.

"What what about the butterfly effect"

He gave me look "Come again"

"The butterfly effect with me being here change like the entire plot, or me saving a life have the fates after me?"

"Oh no not really, this world wants certain things done... you can change things, and sense it's not time travel nothing is set in stone so the fates won't be after you. So if you want to save someone go for it may change the minor details but the plot will try to stay on the same path as much as possible."

"Hun... good to know...say if I'm like a godly being what can I all do?"

"Well..." he thought for a moment. "Your immortal so you can't die.If you want you can bleed, but it won't do anything. You don't need sleep, food, or drink unless you want to of don't have any weakness. That I know of so...oh if you get close to a demon or angel they'll get wary."


"Ya like they get a feeling of uncertainty. They'll have an instinct not to mess with you, most monsters will have the same feeling. But some will ignore it anyway."

"Okay... any thing else?"

"Well you'll probably get more powers, but they'll grow as you grow."

"Like puberty?"

"Ya exactly"

Graaate...what am I going to do now.What I'M I going to do now?

"what...what I'm I suppose to do now?" I voiced my question.

"Well whatever you want to do I guess."

I looked down, thinking on what to do next. Then a piece of hair fell into my face.

"Can I borrow a pair of scissors?"

I stood out side the house, my hair now into a pixie like do. A smile of satisfaction upon my face.

"Wow, that was a lot of hair." Chuck committed.

"Ya the length bugged me."

He looked down at me. "So this is really what you want to do?"

I nodded "ya I mean I've got no where to go. So just wondering around sounds nice."

"Okay well I don't feel good if I just send you of without anything so here" he held out his hands, a old Nokia phone in one hand and a wad of cash in the other " my number is one the phone just press zero for speed dial, and about 200 dollars, just Incase."

I took the objects, and slipped them into my backpack. "Thanks Chuck."

"No problem kiddo. I would say just pray to me, but that inbox is so full I would've even notice. Just call if it's an emergency, or if you got a question about the whole celestial being stuff. Okay?"

"Okay" I turned and looked down the road. I looked at Chuck and gave him a little wave.
"Bye." Than started my long walk.

"Bye Rose" was the last thing I heard as I started my journey to no where.

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