Chapter 2: Hell, the End, and Hell Again

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Authors note:
How to describe hell. You know when you compare something to hell, Well that's heaven compared to this. At first it was just physical torture, skinning, mutilation, pins and nails, being eating, burning, drowning, starvation, suffocation, freezing? Apparently you can freeze in hell. After the first 12,000 years, which after tricking a some demons who say one month equals 10 years, so about 100 years of earth time, they then switched it up a bit where I was in some sort of fighting ring. Basically entertainment for demons to see souls beat each other up. That lasted for about 18,000 years, which after a wile I actually enjoyed.
When I was alive I always wanted to be good at fighting, Just never had the motive. For awhile I ways able to convince the demons that I hated it, yet they found out. Now for the last 90,420 years (752 earth earth years) I have been in solitary confinement. Over the years counting the days helped. At first it was hard to tell time but after being here for exactly 120,240 years, or 1,002 earth years, you get pretty good at it.
I sometimes wondered how I haven't given up yet, I like to convince myself that it was because of my brother, though long dead by now, could still be taken from heaven, and brought to hell if I broke. Yet deep down I know why I haven't broken yet.
I am stubborn.
I have been pulling the record of longest tortured soul so far, and still going. Solitary is not so bad, considering when I was alive I liked being alone. No what really gets me is the how absolutely board I am. Besides counting the days, I listen to the screams of the other tortured souls, hear them begging; it makes me laugh. Now I know how that sounds, but after being here for so long it's like your a college student listening to a middle schooler complain about homework, and all you can think about is how they have no idea how tuff it is. So yes I laugh, a sad laugh because I know none of them are going to keep their humanity for long; they'll all break.

I pray.
I know God is not going to come for me I've made my peace with that. I still pray though. I pray for my brother that he lived a good life. I pray that the torture lessen for me, and the other poor souls out there. I pray that it ends.

Day 137,040 (1,142 earth years) still in solitary confinement. From what I've heard from some new arrivals is that it is hell on earth right now, full on Armageddon. So the end is near took a little over 1,000; 32end century. The demons seem busy, probably preparing for the Ultimate fight between God and the devil himself. I just want it to end.

I saw it before I heard what was going on. Light, bright light was shining down. The demons were screeching, howling in panic, while I just casually observed from my cell.
The screams of the tortured lessened. And that's when I saw it approach, it was grand, and immense. Words could not describe the aw I felt. I stepped back as it opened the door. Looking upon him I knew who he was, and I fell to my knees.

"God" he looked upon me, and I could sense a smile. He reached out .

"Come" he spoke, a voice that filled you with bliss. I looked at him, should I go? What was there left for me.what about the deal? And did I really deserve heaven?

"Come, and all the pain and suffering will be forgotten, you will forget everything and be born anew"

Forget, I din't want to forget. I been through literal hell, I've changed.

"I... I can't" he seemed puzzled, yet soon had a Revelation.

"I see, I have a plan for you, I don't have much time, but maybe you can change things for the better"

He reached out and touched my forehead then turned to walk away

"Have patience Rose, and when the time is right, you will know. Then come find me"

The world went dark.

When I died my life did not flash before my eyes, yet as I woke up I remember every aspect of my life, my family, friends, every subject, every book I read word for word, people I only meet once, even certain adds that were long forgotten. I felt heavy. I looked at my surroundings. I was in a cage not my old cell, it was dark, it was designed in such a way that you could only fit a finger through the spaces , it was hard to see out of, and I couldn't hear any screams of the tortured, just empty.

I gave up counting after reaching a billion I just don't see the point still nothing. I spent my days thinking over my life over, and over. An ongoing rerun. I peered out my bars again, and in the distance their seemed to be some sorta commotion, yet I seem to be in such a far corner no one noticed me. So all I did was wait and observe.

It was just another boring day when BAM, there it was another cage kinda like mine, yet the bars were more like jail bars, but what really got my attention was what was inside it.
It resembled a dragon, or snake? But with horns, and wings the color of obsidian and blood. It's eyes were the reddest red with a sort of glow. Now this being was a sight to behold I was in aw until...


He would not shut up! It has been going on for a few hours now. I sighed he hasn't noticed me yet, it's probably best I let him cool of some steam.

It's been three years he is still whining. Demons have come and went trying to free him, yet so far no luck. No one has noticed me yet, I think they think my cage is just a spare hanging around or something, yet that's not what's bothered me. No it's the fact that I have not had a moment of silence in the past THREE YEARS! So I finally snapped


"WILL YOU SHUT UP" I shouted for the first time in, Well forever. He seemed startled at first then his face twisted into a sneer.


"Me your neighbor, now I have listened to you complain for THREE YEARS! All I ask is 5 fucking minutes of silence, you over grown toddler." It was silent for about two and a half minutes before...


"Oh my... you can't be quite for more then two and a half minutes God no wonder he put you in a time out"


"Five minutes. That's all I ask five fucking minutes."


"Not Puff the dragon at least he know how to be quiet"


Oh come on.

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