~Chapter Ten~ Graduation

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Juliette's POV

20 Weeks Pregnant

I was looking in the mirror and holding on to my growing stomach with the red grown hugging it perfectly. Little ones this is going to change our lives forever. After this we will be moving to a country that has nothing I ever thought I would do. I was going to go to Harvard but my heart is telling me that this is something that was meant to be. The door behind me was slowly opened to reveal Alexavier. He was dressed in a black suit with a red dress shirt. He wrapped his arms around me and started to place kisses all over my neck.

"You look beautiful my Juliette," his arms moved down to my stomach and started to rub small circles causing the little ones to start kicking at his touch

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"You look beautiful my Juliette," his arms moved down to my stomach and started to rub small circles causing the little ones to start kicking at his touch.

"We have to go or we are going to be late,' I said getting myself out of his grip and picking up the speech that has been killing me the whole morning. I wrote this when I was going to college but I had to make so many adjustments now that I am pregnant with twins and moving to Russia in this month.

I ran out of the bathroom to see my parents standing by the door holding a camera. Please don't be bringing that with us. "Congrats my beautiful girl," my father said coming over to me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"We should probably go if you guys want a good spot," i said while grabbing Alexavier's hand and dragging him out of the door and to his car. My mind just kept going to this stupid speech but i am pretty sure that I am just going to have to win this shit.

"You are going to do just fine my love," Alexavier said while he placed his rough hand on to my exposed thigh. I was nervous and that was going to cause me to fuck up this thing up. I kept practicing in my head as we pulled into the parking lot of the school. The nerves in my stomach started to go crazy as Alexavier opened my door and helped me get out. A kiss was placed on my check as he walked over to the place where my parents were leaving me all alone. I made my way over to the group of people that i was graduating with. Well here we go.

Time Skip

I looked back at me to see my glass and then back at the group of parents in front of us. "I had different plan for this speech four months ago but sometimes plans change. I knew that I was going to be standing up here since we started freshman year and no one knew what we wanted in life and years passed and now we are here taking the next big steps in our lives. We will be doctors, lawyers and parents," I said while placing my hand on my large stomach. I kept talking while thinking that everything I was saying was just for the people that were actually going to do shit with their lives. "I am glad to have been a part of this year's graduating class," i said causing everyone to throw their caps in the air. My eyes were caught by Alexavier smiling at me with his arms crossed around his chest.

Shortly after everyone's families started to come down and I saw Alexavier. His arms were wrapped around me placing a small kiss on my forehead. "I am so proud of you my love," my head was placed on his chest. This was going to be the last time I will ever see these people. I never wanted this for myself but as of now I can't see my life ever being without Alexavier and my little ones. I know that I am going to love spending the rest of my life with these three people. My whole life changed because they came in it and they are going to be the best thing that will ever happen to me.

Just wanted to remind everyone to enter the contest. Baby girl's name has already been figured out but you can still win through baby boy's name. Have fun and will see you in the next chapter Baby Shower.

 Have fun and will see you in the next chapter Baby Shower

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