~Chapter One~ The Test

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Juliette's POV

I was sitting on my bed shaking while Lacie and Emma sit next to me just looking on their phones. "What if it is positive, what am I going to do?" I looked at both of them as they just shrugged. I got up and looking at both of them. "Come on, my whole life is going to be ruined. I'm going to fucking Harvard and that isn't going to happen if that stupid test is positive," I could feel the tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

"Juliette you are going to be fine there is no way that you are pregnant, you have never had sex. Why are you even taking that test anyway?" she asked while she quickly looked up from her phone to roll her eyes at me before she looked back at her phone.

"There was that one time on our class trip to Russia," I whispered loud enough for them to hear me. Both of their heads shot up and they looked confused. "I never told you because I was drunk and all I can remember was waking up in a bed with a man covered with tattoos from his neck down," I said as the tears started to flow faster down my face. "There is no way that I could be pregnant and take care of a baby on my own," I said as Lacie got up and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"How about we just go and look at the test and we can figure this out from here." she said while she grabbed my hand and lead me to the bathroom where the test was sitting on the counter. She grabbed in and simply looked at it before looking up at with me with a small frown on her face. She placed it in my hand and covered the small window with her thumb. "I know this is going to be hard to take but it will be okay." Right as she said that she removed her thumb finally allowing me to see what it says.

There was two lines. I was pregnant and I had no idea who that father could possibly be. I had no idea what his name was or where he even lived but I was carrying his child. More tears began to flow down my cheeks while I slumped down on the wall. Emma walked in and looked down at me and then at Lacie who gave her a simple nod.

"Everything is gone. No more Harvard. Now a baby. I am going to be a mom," I said in between tears.

"Do you remember anything about him?" Emma asked while she looked at her phone doing whatever she does.

"All I can recall is that he has brown hair and he is covered in tattoos but I already told you that," she nodded as she continued on her phone.

"What if I told you I found him," she said as she placed her phone in my hand to show me a picture of the man I saw once and never thought I would ever see again.

"How did you do that Emma?" I asked as I wiped the last few tears away from my face.

"Well when your father is a part of the fucking CIA you can do anything you want and it seems like his name is Alexavier Markov and he is very well known in the system," I fell into shock once she said that. My child's father is a criminal. "He is definitely living in Russia and says he runs a mafia," even fucking worse. I held the phone even tighter as my mind fell into thought. The phone was ripped out of my hand and I looked up to see Emma typing fast on her phone with a smile on her face. "Well there you go I messaged him for you."

"You did what?" I asked as she placed the phone in my hand. I looked down once more to see Instagram open. Reading the messages I saw that it said 'Hi you don't know who I am but my friend Juliette believes she is pregnant with your baby,' under that was a picture of me. I looked up at her with shock on my face and right as I was about to yell at her a small noise was made by the phone. Looking back down to see that this man was typing. After a few seconds his message popped up and read 'Oh I do remember her but she left before I could wake up I will be there as soon as I can to come and formally meet her, thank you," with that he sent another picture but this time it was a picture of my naked sleeping on this man's chest.

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