I'm back.

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Hehe..hello guys :)
Yes, I am still alive! My last update was in 2017..it's now 2019 where did I go??!!!
Actually no where. I've just overcome a big state of depression, not suicidal depression just the type where I'm constantly sad. I decided to take time off all social Media **including wattpad** and just focus on getting my head right.
I've tried to bring myself to update in the past but felt as though I didn't really want to. In order to write a good book the author has to want to do so.
I'm so so so so so sorry for my disappearance, but expect updates on top of updates :) I am back to my normal goofy self and can't wait to continue my books. This one and "His Bad Angel"
I hope you can all understand and continue to love and support my work

All love

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