"You're warm."

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ps. this is my interpretation of the said line

enjoy betchez


How you managed to survive the past week was beyond everyone. With the temperature dropping to a single digit number- sometimes it being negative, everybody in the university was walking the damned frozen hell with multiple layers of clothing.

Everyone except you.

You simply walked around with normal clothes and a coat. Your friends often cursed your 'powers' and told you that  you're like a living body heater. Of course, many took advantage of that fact. Your circle often times find themselves holding you. Hanji would always grab you roughly at random times and burry her face on your tummy, while Marco and Jean, the couple, would hug you in a sandwich to generate maximum heat. Mikasa would simply inch closer until your sides are touching, while Eren would nonchalantly hug you while grumbling and muttering that he was only doing it for heat. Erwin would place his hand on your head, and lastly, Armin would shyly ask you to hug him as the shy kid couldn't bring himself to do so. Everybody took turns, and you wouldn't mind.

Everybody except Levi.

He would merely click his tongue when he would see everyone touching you, his thoughts stated out loud regarding it as something violating you, which you and everyone would disagree on. He would roll his eyes and carry on reading, not minding the whole ordeal happening in front of him. Or at least that's what you thought as his eyes were practically glued on the book he was holding.

One day, you and Levi were on the Library killing your vacant hours until the next class. This had become his and your routine as everybody else had their classes. He was sitting on the floor in between the shelves, while you roam around browsing for a book that would pique your interest. On that certain day, that book was located on the shelf not too high, but high enough for you, that you couldn't reach it. You were busy trying to make ways in reaching the said book that you did not notice Levi observing you, until he stood and tiptoed to take the damned book. In the process, your fingers brushed against his which caught him truly off-guard as warmth immediately flowed from your skin to his. He was astounded that you radiated much warmth, that he remained glued to his position, arm outstretched towards you, a book in his hand. You first waved your hands in front of him, but when you figured it wouldn't work, you touched his face with both of your hands. "Levi?" You said. He blinked before realizing the position you were both in, he abruptly pulled himself away from you before coughing awkwardly and giving you your book.

He didn't spare you a glance when he sat back down and buried his head on the book he was previously reading. You looked at him curiously, but shrugged it off knowing Levi wasn't someone who liked physical contact, not to mention his whole thoughts regarding you and being the circle's radiator.

Levi kept silent over the incident. It didn't surprise you as again, you knew his position about it. However it would be false to say that you haven't hoped, even for tiny bit, that he would start asking you for warmth- as deep inside you knew, you would love to. Weeks later that incident, you and Levi would be walking home together from school. It was mildly snowing and the temperature was steadily dropping and remaining at a single digit number. You walked together in silence when Levi stopped, causing you to stop too, a few steps ahead of him.

"Levi?" You called out to him, your hands were in your pockets, trying to keep warm with little effort. From looking at the snow foot prints you've made, he looked up at you and stared you for a little while before sighing and walking up to you.

"May I ask you a favor?" He whispered softly. You tilted your head, looking at him curiously, currently trying to comprehend how Levi Ackerman is being shy all of the sudden.

You, not being able to control it, chuckled at the way he appeared, eliciting a slight shock from the raven. "What is it, Levi?" You asked with a smile.

He initially furrowed his eyebrows before looking at you and saying, "May I?". Confused as to what he might be saying, you tried looking around and analyzing what he said that you did not realize him reaching out for your hands and slowly bringing it to his cheeks. Your head snapped towards him, eyes wide with the sight you were seeing: Levi Ackerman was holding your hands, guiding them to cup his face. He closed his eyes before relaxing in your touch, his head nestling in your right hand.

"L-Levi..." You stuttered, not believing what was transpiring at the moment. If it was possible, you started radiating even more heat as you practically blushed seeing him all relaxed under your touch. Levi slowly opened his eyes, a small smile forming in his lips.

"You're warm." He whispered.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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