"It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway."

924 28 4

Canon Universe

Damn that irresistible ice cream.

You thought as you practically froze in your bed, teeth chattering and body shaking. It was a hellish cold December in the Scouting Legion and Erwin thought it was a good idea to throw an ice cream party for the sake of christmas and Levi's birthday. He said he got a huge discount from a merchant who sold it to him at a very low price. Sketchy, but only now you realized that he probably sold it in much discounted price since nobody else was buying it. Of fucking course, it's a fucking snowy December.

Of course the corps never usually had the pleasure of eating these delicacies so you, along with most of the scouts, took the opportunity to indulge by eating bowls of ice cream. Not a single soul gave a damn about the consequences of eating loads of cold, savory, ice cream on a cold December. Now it was sleeping time, everybody had a hard time on sleeping as they were all in the same position as you are: frozen and chattering.

"As much as I'd like to give you my blanket, I couldn't (Y/n). This is my only source of heat, a shitty one at that." Sasha muttered as she struggled to keep warm at the thin sheet they call as a blanket you cadets were provided.

"If I offer you my food, will you give me your damned blanket?" You asked her, knowing that the food loving girl would gladly accept.

"Hell no. Have your own food. I think surviving this cold is my concern as of the moment, thanks." She rolled to the other side of the bed that faced away from you, wrapping herself up in the blanket she had.

"If only you listened to the corporal, (Y/n)." Christa softly said, snuggling closer to Ymir as they both wrapped themselves up in both of their blankets combined

"Yeah, shorty knows best. You should've just followed him and maybe you'll end up snuggling him, warm in his covers. Maybe even fu-" Ymir added, only to be nudged by Christa.

"Oh grow up Ymir. He's so not into me." You rolled your eyes.

"I didn't say that. You did." She snickered in reply, causing you to groan in frustration.

There was silence but you can hear the chattering of teeth from you and the other three you shared your room with. Mikasa was supposed to be here too but she sneaked off to the boys' room to 'get warm' with Eren. That bitch.

"For the record I think the corporal is sooooo into you." Sasha suddenly said.

"Oh please he isn't-"

"Oh shut the fuck up (y/n), deep down you also think otherwise." Ymir laughed along with Sasha and Christa.

"I think so too, I mean he's clearly more lenient to you and he even cares for your wellbeing. Just like what he did a while ago." Christa spoke that caused you to look back at what happened at the mess hall, hours before your current suffering.


Levi kept his eyes glued on you the moment the gallons of ice cream were delivered at the mess hall. He almost chuckled at the sight of you all amazed and excited at the dessert presented in front. But then he remembered how bitterly cold December is  and that it was evidently snowing outside so he mentally made note to not let you eat too much.

But he was too late, with five scoops of ice cream finished within five minutes, you proceeded to the next flavor to fill  your next cup. He clicked his tongue and started walking towards you when Hanji pulled him and shoved a spoonful of vanilla ice cream.

A Few Ways to Say "I Love You"   // Levi Ackerman x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now