"Can I kiss you?"

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Modern AU

Four months into the academic year and students were now busy, not due to academic requirements but for trying to accomplish last minute party preparations. It was a cold December but students were definitely warmed up at the idea of being able to get away from monstrous paperworks and finally toasting to a year that has gone by. In a few hours it will be January but (Y/n) can already hear the fireworks, cheers, and new year greetings.

"Ooooh I'm sooooooooo fucking gonna get laid!" Jean howled from the other side of the room as you both fixed the materials from your previous art lessons, together with Marco and Eren.

"Oi, horse shit, can you like...keep your sex plans to yourself? You're hurting Marco pal over here." Eren retorted as he threw his arm around Marco's shoulders who was blushing madly, awkwardly laughing.

Jean too, blushed in return before throwing a tube of paint towards Eren, who was able to dodge it. You caught it and placed it neatly back in place before facing the boys. "As much as I'd like to have another paint war and seeing you losers all smothered in paint, I still have to get ready for the party, which reminds me: Jean, drive me to the mall. Eren, be my personal assistant and Marco," You faced your precious friend before placing a hand on his shoulder, "Dear, go home and prepare yourself. Get ready so that Jean will gag the moment he sees you at the party." Marco blushed at your statement. Taking your bag, you grabbed Jean and Eren in the process before bidding goodbye to Marco.

You walked, arms linked with the two boys who merely mumbled and scratched their heads as they were dragged to the school parking lot. "Hey, Jaeger, how about you and Mikasa? What would be your plans for tonight?" Jean asked as you released the both of them from your hold, the three of you plying in the car.

"That is none of your business, horse face." Eren grumbled, crossing his arms as he rested at the back seat.

"Aw, come on, Eren. Drop the horse face shit. You're scarring me." Jean mockingly pouted his lips before turning the ignition on and driving away. "Put that on top of your resolutions list, will you deary?" He added before adding kissy sounds and laughing.

Eren made gagging noises before leaning in on your seats. "You know that sound? That's the only thing you'll be hearing tonight as Marco-"

"OKAY LOVER BOYS. Keep the fantasies to yourselves, will you?" You laughed, shaking your head.

"Nah, you're only jealous cause you're loveless last Christmas and, probably, still this New Year." Jean smirked before reaching out to you and pinching your cheeks.

"I disagree. I think, finally our dearest (Y/n) will finally be getting some tonight." Eren howled causing Jean to laugh and agree.

"Oh finally, fuck! This is the moment we've been waiting for Eren." Jean started singing that sex song he always sang and danced stupidly while closing his eyes.

"Eyes on the road, horse shit." You slapped his arm before laughing. "Can the two of you calm the fuck down? I highly doubt the probability of that. And besides, who would even be interested in me?"

"Psh, you? God (y/n). You're the talk of the uni. If you only knew how many have already tried to reach out to you but I only blocked those dickheads as they are nothing but trouble." Eren now rolled his eyes before Jean nodded his head.

"True that, most especially that Reiner fucking Braun? Hell no," Jean neighed, and snapped his fingers in z-motion, earning a laugh from you and Eren. "He'd have to get through us first." He raised his hand in the air and Eren high-fived him, saying words of agreement. "But, still we won't deny that there may be someone who is interested in you. You'll never know, maybe Armin, you're sweet precious boy?"

A Few Ways to Say "I Love You"   // Levi Ackerman x Reader One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora