"The key is under the mat."

920 28 7

Modern AU

Levi has been sitting on the sofa for a few hours now. As he was, he kept checking outside the window once in a while. He was hoping there would be a figure walking back to this place, to this home.

It has been approximately 2 and a half months ever since you left. He remembered so well how you walked out of him with pure hate and sadness. He wondered why though, and how could he have let you just walk out the door so easily? It was too easy to let himself block your way, but he did not. And now he was there in the sofa, waiting for your return. If he has no work, this would be his routine in daily basis. Eat, clean, sit, check, sit, check, sit, get up, take a bath, sit clean, check, sit, get up, sleep. This was how his free days would go on. He was not getting tired of it, in fact he has grown more patiently each day.

You on the other hand, remained in Hanji and Mikasa's place. They tried to clear your thoughts off, tried to convinced you he was still waiting. But you refused to return. Even though you would not admit, every inch of you wanted to break free from your restraint and walk back to him. Your feet continued to wander aimlessly on the streets, 'accidentally' reaching the front porch of the little yellow house that you two once shared. In free days like these, you would find yourself in a routine. Wake up, eat, walk, stare at the house, walk, sit in front of the house, walk, stare at the house, try to knock, stare at the house, walk, sit in front of the house, go back home, eat, sleep. This was how you would spend your days when you have no work. Instead of growing tired of attempting to come back,  you have grown more eager to walk at least 3 miles to him.

3 miles.

It was number of distance that set you two apart, however you two were only an inch away if you'll be basing it to both of your hearts and minds that keep wandering to the other. Levi continued setting up the table for two. He continued pouring water for the invisible person opposite him. He continued fixing your side of the bed. He continued saying 'I'm home' once arriving. Apparently, you saw him doing these things and you thought he was doing it for Isabel. Your heart felt heavy and you tried to remind yourself that you are no longer his girl. In times where you witness these things, all you can do is walk back to your flat you are sharing with Hanji and Mikasa and sulk for the remainder of the day.

In one of those kind of days, you walked home shocked to see Hanji and Mikasa close while reading a letter. Noticing your figure, Hanji folded the letter back and waved it in front of you. "Mr. Shorty has a letter for you missy." You made a run for it but Hanji laughed while raising the letter up.

"(y/n), honestly what happened between you two?" Hanji inquired as she held the letter up within your reach.

"That's none of your business Hanji. Now please give me the damned letter!" You jumped up trying to get a hold of the letter addressed to you.

"It would be easier if you would tell us, you know." Mikasa intervened. She shrugged and sat calmly on the sofa.

You sighed before setting down. You know damn well that she is right. "Well, nothing really happened. I just...told him that I didn't love him anymore." You told them honestly.

Hanji glared at you, trying to kill you with her eyes. "What the fuck little miss perfect?! WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK (Y/N)!" She screamed.

"Oh god, there must be a reason why." Mikasa sighed rolling her eyes. You paused for a moment, remembering what has happened.


Walking to back home, you can't help but feel giddy because you got a promotion at your work, then you'll be coming home earlier than Levi. This means that you would be able to cook for him, and tonight was pasta night. You had already shopped for your ingredients and you were hyped to start cooking but when reaching the front porch of your lovely home, you were taken aback to hear loud shouting and laughter at the other side of the door. You wondered if there were bandits that broke into your house and got all home-y. But before you could burst the door open, you recognized one voice. It was Levi's.

A Few Ways to Say "I Love You"   // Levi Ackerman x Reader One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz