"No reason."

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Modern AU

Levi walked aimlessly in the streets of New York City. He did not know where to go now, nor what to do in this place where everything was in fast pace. He was getting left behind by the passing moments and the people who walked too fast for him, they all seem to have a busy life. He was too overwhelmed. He never thought that he came all the way here just to see that his 'girlfriend' has another man. Well what did he even expect? They met online, got together online. He sent gifts to please the damned woman, but what did he get in return? A fucking surprise. For ten fucking months he was being fooled. All these efforts wasted.

'The fucking tickets, my fucking effort.' He thought, placing his clammy hands in the pockets of his coat. 'Why did I even come here? It's damn winter and I am shitty in handling cold weather.'

Levi sighed walking over the snow that was settled in the ground, causing footprints to form and appear. He was getting colder with each passing minute and he really needed something to warm him up. There he was standing right in front of a coffee shop and a library. But to his surprise, his feet led him inside the library, refusing the warmth that was offered by the coffee shop. What the fuck?

Why did he even came here? No reason, it was acted out of an impulse and now he didn't know what to do. So he wandered, looking at each shelf, searching for a good read. But instead of doing so, he continued walking, spaced out by pondering about what he felt and what just happened.

He felt odd. He was mad, of course. But not the raging type, the one that could actually kill. Levi felt more pissed off than actually hurt. Now that he thought more about it, he was pissed because he spent a big amount of money in traveling to New York, during the winter. It's not because he caught his girlfriend redhanded. He felt okay. And that was not normal. Was something wrong with him? He just broke up with someone, why isn't he crying? Why is he not making a fuss out of it? Why? There were so many questions swimming in his head as he walked further that he did not notice a lady reading a thick book, sitting on the floor with her legs stretched out.

Thud. He crashed on the floor, head first. He closed his eyes in pain and said, "Fuck." He was gently pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to desperately to block out the pain, but he failed. He sat up, glared at the woman who remained sitting with her mouth agape. As soon as he saw the girl right in front of him, his glare softened and turned into a stare. He took in the presence of the lady, observing her as mouth moved inaudibly, waves of panic flashing on her features. She was saying sorry, and she was trying to shake him off but what was Levi doing? He just sat silently staring into nothing. Thinking of no other way on how to zone him back, the girl slapped him and soon he glared once more.

"What the hell was that for brat?" Levi stood abruptly, causing her to follow suit.

"I'm sorry!" The unknown girl squeaked. "I didn't know what to do! You were zoning out for God knows how long, I just had to do it!" Her eyes widened that showed more of her eyes. 

Woah. Levi stared once more. Her eyes were doe-like and they are beautiful in general. 'Wait...What the hell, get your shit together Levi.' He mentally slapped himself, but once again something hard was pressed in his cheeks. "I'm sorry you were zoning out again!! It's weird!" The lady was now looking at you peculiarly, as if you were way beyond of this world.

"But that doesn't give you an excuse to slap me twice!" Levi growled, rubbing his now sore cheek. Damn, she slaps hard too.

Silence enveloped them as Levi tried to fix himself, while the girl rubbed her temples obviously having no idea how to start and to continue. "Look, I'm sorry for slapping you out of nowhere, I know it's rude, but I was just worried because you keep zoning out." She said looking down.

"Tch." Levi clicked his tongue before sighing. He then faced the unknown lady. "What's your name?" He asked, nonchalantly. Masking the growing anxiety and excitement growing within him.

"(Y/n). Just (y/n)." She smiled before extending out a hand. Levi stared at it at first, not knowing what to do. But eventually, he was able to shake hands with (y/n). His face still tried refusing to show any feelings, yet he failed. He did not notice that there was a smile creeping on his face, but (y/n) did. "Why are you smiling?"

Oh crap.

"No reason." Levi shrugged, now making sure that his expression was blank. He cannot afford to show that she affected him in some way.

Levi turned and stared on the shelf with his arms folded in his chest. He continued stealing glances at her, amused by the fact that she didn't seem to be bothered that he kept standing there. (Y/n) shrugged, returning her focus on the book. She just brushed Levi and his words off. Well, it didn't mean anything right? She thought.

But she was wrong. And boy did she find out how 'no reason' could mean many things and everything.

A Few Ways to Say "I Love You"   // Levi Ackerman x Reader One ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora