Another Love (Walking Dead Fanfic)

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“That’s it, were all dead!”

 “Shut it!” I whisper in reply and clamp my hand down over his mouth. He raises his hands in surrender and I release my grip. I let out a sigh as about the 50th Roamer stumbles into view.

 Roamer, Walker, Zombie, it’s all the same. They want us dead, we want them dead. They hadn’t caught us yet so, I suppose you could say we were the lucky ones but maybe, death would be an easier option.

 The 15 of us huddled, crouched down and shaking in an abandoned off-license. I heard the young ones whimpering and their parents wrapping arms around them.

 “Let’s just lie down and get some sleep!” I said, in an attempt to calm the group, or maybe myself. I sat and watched as, gradually, one by one; the group lay down before, finally taking my own advice.

I'm running through a never ending maze, the walls are closing in and roamers lurk round every corner. I know it is a nightmare, but can’t wake up.

 The air feels thick and I struggle to breath. Finally, I give up and slump against the wall, letting the darkness take me.

 I jolt upright, awake, panting and sweating, Brian at my side. He runs his hand down my cheek and I feel the heat radiating off of him. I look into his eyes and as I take in my surrondings.

 "Still Stuck in that shop then?" I say, hoping it had just been a dream. Brian nods and leans forward, planting his lips on  mine.

 We had been seeing eachother for a few months before the apocalypse. We had just bought an ampartment together before the world turned to hell. I loved him. He was the only family I had, losing him would be my worst nightmare.  

 I stand up, unable to return to slumber and begin walking towards the window. The sun had just begun to rise and the number of Roamers on the street had lessened. The few that remaind, huddle in clumps along the edges of the street.

 I tiptoed back to my makeshift bed and rolled up my sleeping bag. People gradually woke up and did the same, aware that we were ready to move on. After about an hour of preparation we were set to continue.

 I stepped out of the door but was pulled back by a hand on my hip. I spun round and saw the youngest of our group, a 5 year old called Janey, tugging on my Cardigan.

 Janey had lost her mother a few weeks back to a roamer attack on our last safe place. Since then, we had hit the road in search of a comunity. With young children like Janey, we need a place we could rely on. We needed saftey.

 "Carrie?" Janey said, her head hung. "I'm scared."

 I looked down and lifted her head. I said the only thing I could think of. "We all are Janey, we all are."

I lifted Janey onto my shoulders and turned to face the remainer of of the group. "Everyone ready?" I ask, as I see Brian push his way to the front. With one of my hands, I take his and with the other, I grip Janey's leg. I see the rest of the group nod and I take the first step out into the unknown.   



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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