Don't get me wrong, I love summer! I wore less clothing, went to the beach more often, hardly got scared of rainfalls, had lots of picnics and hangouts and much more. However my favorite weather is winter!

I know the incessant and insufferable cold made it difficult to move around but I believed winter made me spend more time with my loved ones. It established reunion and togetherness especially during Christmas and my birthday of course. The snow outside brought me joy beyond bounds.

I wish winter could come soon. I just couldn't wait much longer.

"Earth to Cassie!" Tess snapped her thumb and index finger in my face to bring me back to their conversation as we all gathered inside the limousine the girls and I made use of. The guys made use of the Land Rover while my parents, Ana's parents and half siblings drove in a limousine. It was a full house today.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking." I replied. They nodded and continued conversing on how they felt about Ana's graduation. This time, I joined them and commented on how I'd miss Ana as she wouldn't be in school anymore.

"It would just be you and I at Sweet Love from now on." Tess said and she was right. I sighed as I realized it would be just both of us having lunch and sometimes early dinners at our favorite restaurant.

I was glad I still had someone to talk to at school and that was enough for me.



"Go girl!"

"We love you!"

"Congratulations honey!"

Every one of us cheered Ana as she walked up to shake the professor and collected her certificate. She glanced at our direction and blew a kiss to Phillip who sat behind us in the few rows of seats. He reciprocated with a similar kiss and I grinned when I saw the gagging face of Ana's half brother, David. Appalled further, he muttered about how mushy his sister was and earned a smack on the head by his mother, voicing how he too brought girls home to fool around. The highly amusing part was when his face turned crimson red, confirming his mother's words.

This year's valedictory service was held in different venue; an open field, contrary to last year's school's hall.

Initially, Ana knew about our seating positions. As my parents were influential to the University, we got a special position to sit. Therefore, our cheers were closer and louder than everyone else's.

Perks of having wealthy parents.

During the end of the ceremony, we got around to greet some friends of my parents and Ana's course mates. Even the Vice Chancellor walked up to say hi to us. I had never seen him before. He looked so white, he needed a tan with immediate effect. But his grey hair added a natural glow to his features. He seemed nice and friendly and made some jokes which weren't so bad although I didn't laugh.

Suddenly, an old couple stopped by. My parents, especially my mother seemed so excited to see them, she rushed forward and gave the woman a kiss on her right cheek before hugging her. I was shocked.

Who were these people and why was mum particularly exhilarated by their presence? I had an inkling something was up but I shrugged off the feeling.

When the man spoke, his voice sounded so familiar but the memory of where I met him, foggy. During their conversation about old times, I got to understand that they were business partners and old friends. It was then I remembered I had indeed met them before when we all had lunch together. I was blind so I clearly couldn't have recognized them, except by the familiarity of their voices.

Bored out of my mind by their conversation, I looked behind me only to see that my cousin, friends and the rest had all gone away and I had been standing alone, watching my parents like a hawk. I felt disappointed that they couldn't call me to join them, leaving me here with the boring elders.

However, it wasn't too late for me to join them. So I excused myself but got no reply from my parent who were in deep conversation. Oh well, better chance to leave inconspicuously.

I had just taken the first three steps when the sound of my mother's voice calling my name, halted me. I turned around and found four pairs of eyes staring right back at me. I gulped, suddenly feeling shy.

"Meet your father's friends and business partners, Mr and Mrs Hampton. I'm not sure you remember them but we had lunch last year." She explained, I only nodded, emphasizing that I remembered.

"Nice to meet you both." I responded. Mrs Hampton beamed, hugging me gingerly.

"It's so nice to finally see you... Again, of course." She corrected. "Stephanie told us about the good news that you can see and we're so glad and happy for you." She further said.

"Thank you very much. The surgeries were frightening but by God's grace, it went well and for that, I count myself lucky." I answered with a smile.

She approved my statement with a smile, turned to my parents and nodded in approval.

"I like her, she'll make a good wife for my son." She later said to my surprise.

So caught up in the conversation and the way her earrings glimmered in the sun, I barely heard her. But luck was on my side as I heard the end of her words.

Luck? More like dread.

I didn't think I heard her correctly so I gazed intently at my parents, trying to note if what I heard was right. Dad hardly glanced in my direction, guilt written all over him but mum, she smiled broadly at me like it was a matter we had already discussed.

I just hope it wasn't what I was thinking. But there was only one way to find out.

'Mum, can I talk to you for a minute?" I acted calm and smiled sweetly.

"Of course honey," To the Hamptons, she said, "Excuse me, we'll be right back." I didn't wait for her before leaving their presence to a secluded spot where we could talk.

"Mum what did she mean by ‘She'll make a good wife for my son?’" I cut to the chase, using air quotes.

"Can you remember her son, Zachary?" At my obliviousness, she expounded, "During lunch with Davis and Sophia last year, we talked about their son who was in Thailand for a business meeting. Zachary has been away from the country for about two years. He just returned two years ago."

"What has that got to do with me?" I asked. Why would their son's coming be of importance to me?

"Very simple! Sophie and I both think it's a fabulous idea if you both got together." She clapped her hands like it was the greatest idea of the century.

"I don't understand." I replied, still trying to digest it all in.

"In layman terms Cassiopeia, what I mean is we want you and Zachary to date each other and hopefully get married someday. Splendid, isn't it?"

I made no move to give a response. All I could think of were two words.

Screw me!

I'm so sorry for the late update. I promise I'll update sooner than you think.

Btw, what do you think about the recent events? Sometimes I feel like strangling Cassie's mother lol. Please let me know through your comments.

Also, please vote, share and follow me on my social media platforms displayed in my profile.


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