[Season 2] 1. New Beginnings

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       I walked outside the gates of Keio University; the sky was bright white on this winter day. I looked around through the fall of snow.  There was snow planted on my long dark auburn lashes. Through the heavy snowfall I could spot my boyfriend was already in the parking lot with his red Mercedes-Benz.
        I got into the passenger seat silently, putting down my book bag.  Hi looked straight ahead, wearing a black jacket with sunglasses.
       "How was work?" He asked.
       "Don't even get me started, that girl cut me down again."
       "Are you talking about that girl who doesn't take you seriously because you were an idol?"
       "Yup that's the one."  Tsubasa shook his head with a scoff.  "This is why I'm self-employed, no crappy co-workers." He said.
        "How was your presentation by the way, the one at designing college?"
         "It was good.  It's kinda funny you brought it up, a lot of the girls in that class have asked about you and how you're doing."
        "Oh really? Wow.  I really could have stayed if I wanted, in the end no one wanted me to leave, but—"
          "You wanted to attend law school so you can change the idol agency system?"
           "Yeah.  I know I talk about this a lot, but it was awful.  I mean, I guess Ichigo was blessed with a freakishly high metabolism, but many girls struggled with eating disorders and insecurities besides the daring rule.  I mean, how can you give your heart to your fans if you're miserable? That aside, you told me this morning that they're opening a store of your brand in America now?"
        "They sure are.  It's primarily going to be a bridal shop because American culture is different.  Not to brag but this store is all over malls in China and Korea now."
        "What city in America?"
        "New York."
"That's great I'm happy for you." I said happily. There was an awkward pause.
"Ahh" I yelped, as suddenly Tsubasa hit the brakes from someone cutting him off.
"Learn to drive you entitled a**hole!" He swore under his breath. I face palmed, too many bad drivers nowadays.
"How do these people even get licenses?"
"Probably bribery." He said with a laugh. I giggled a bit.
      "Where are we going?" I asked. 
      "My place, obviously." I giggled a bit.
      "Of course."  I said. 
       He now lives in a monster house, and bought the property he lived on outright.  He designed his own house to be a modern house with a fairytale inspired interior.  His workshop was renovated to have very small towers around it, only big enough for a child to climb.  It looked like a kid's play land castle but it to fit his brand.  He's been extremely rich ever since his brand became a store franchise, especially with it being a luxury brand.
      I set down my purse, and sat down on the white c
       2 hours later, we went to the movie theatre. It was the latest major production with Ichigo as lead role.
"Oh my gosh it's been forever since we did a movie night!" I said happily.
"I figured you'd like it." Tsubasa said wrapping his arm  around my shoulders as we walked in. The movie showing was about a secluded town with the fairy outsider, the fairy being Ichigo. It was a movie for younger crowds.
Ichigo's career is unbelievably strong, especially since she was already top idol in her teens. Now she's just a singer/actress/model, but not necessarily an idol. Her previously high fame gave her a strong platform when she came out about Naoto, but she decided to be her own person. It's all for the better.
The idol industry in Asia is slavery, but she found freedom within the entertainment industry which is good. Hikami and Sumire on the other hand signed the contract, and are trapped under contract to an agency. They've become extremely unhealthy with their diets, and it adds to the pressure on my to do well in university. Idol school is a dream, but agencies are nightmares.
I'm not sure about everyone else, most of my idol school friends and upperclassmen mentors saw the conditions of the contract and chose to do other things in the industry. Although I do not know much I think Mizuki is a big producer and I heard Otome is a pre-school teacher.
I still dance, however I just maintain my technique, I haven't learned anything new, I've been too busy studying.
"Akari-chan!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I turned around, and saw Ichigo running up to me.
"Hey! Long time no see!" I said hugging her.
"You won't believe this, me and Naoto are getting married!" She said.
"Oh my goodness! Congratulations!" I said as we pulled away. Aoi, who was with Ichigo laughed and started a conversation with Ran.
"Our wedding is in 6 months, I would love if you went Wedding dress shopping with me and my friends! Oh, Ali and Ran are my maids of honour! I couldn't pick just one." She said with a giggle.
"Sounds great I would love that!"
"Ozora-chan, it's been a while." Ran said.
"It has, what have you been up to nowadays?"
"Modeling, I'm officially with the brand Spicy Ageha, not just wearing it."
"Oh that's great! And you, Aoi?"
"I'm an editor and journalist at a big magazine company and I write columns about idols." She said.
"What have you been up to nowadays?" Ichigo asked
"I work as a contract lawyer."
"Law? Is that why you disappeared?"
"Yeah. I want to make legal guidelines for idol agencies so there's a healthier system." I said.
"Wow that's great! We should probably get going, but we'll text you when I go shopping." Ichigo said holding up her phone.
"Ok, see yah!" I said before we went our own ways.

Akari's outfit

Ichigo's outfit

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Ichigo's outfit

Ichigo's outfit

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Tsubasa's Awkward Crush - An Aikatsu Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now