6. Cinderella

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"Akari-chan!" My dad said hugging me excitedly.  "It's good to see you! And look how much you've grown!" He said excited.  He took notice of Tsubasa, and raised a brow.
        "So, who's this, your boyfriend?" He teased, raising his brow at me with a devious smirk. He laughed.
        "I'm Tsubasa Sena, and yes, I'm her boyfriend." Tsubasa said with a polite bow.  My dad let go of me and shook my boyfriend's hand.
        "I'm Manabu Ōzora, nice to meet you." He said.  He scrunched his face and looked st my boyfriend.
        "Wait a second, I know you from somewhere..."
        "He's the designer of a top brand, the Tsubasa Sena.  We saw him on that interview on tv last week!" Mother said setting down some cookies and tea.
         "Oh yeah! So, I hear there's some good soil around your workshop." Oh dear....
         "Why yes there is! In fact, it has a lot of nutrients which provides foods for the soil, growing lots of healthy plants which provide for some of my dyes."
          "Wow! You know a lot about soil?"
          "I know my bit, like I can identify which soil is good and which soil has the composition to form sedimentary rocks, like shale."  Oh dear, NO!
          "Wow, by any chance could you bring me some soil sometime?"
          "So, how does a fine young man like you learn so much?"
          "I do research so I know what plants are and aren't efficient for making dyes."
          "My kind of guy! Akari, he's a keeper!" He said giving me a wink.  "So, Sena...."
          "Seems like they're getting along" mother said, as they got into a conversation.
        "Alright, now you can visit anytime!" Papa said waving us goodbye.  I smiled.  Tsubasa put his arm around me. "Oh and let me know when I'm gonna be a grandfather!" He called out.
"Papa!" I yelled before we got into Tsubasa's car.
"Quite the Dad you got there." He said. Akari laughed.
        "Yea he is...." She leaned back.  "Oh! And my audition is later today, I'm so nervous!" She said with a deep sigh.
        "Don't worry, you'll do great!"


      I couldn't stand to see her smile like nothing happened, like she doesn't care. She said she could replace me? It cuts me like knives.  Look at her, giggling with her friends like she could care less.  Whatever.  She's a student, and I'm a teacher.  It's no more, no less.  All those years I've been in love, all down the drain. It's hard not to resent her.
I gave Ichigo an icy stare before leaving the courtyard. We made eye contact, before she flipped her hair over her shoulders and continued giggling. Wow.
"Hey, is everything okay, Suzukawa-Sensei?" Ōzora asked.
"Yeah, fine." I said.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Yeah...." I said before walking away.

        I stared at an old photo of her and I, holding in tears. I feel like crunching into a ball and dying. Did she even love me, or was she just dating me out of gratitude?  Maybe it was because of me constantly getting jealous and texting her....is that what drove her away? I always objectified her like she was too good for me, or like a goddess.  I guess my insecurity truly drove her away.... Of course I'd be replaceable, replaceable for another better guy.

Tsubasa's POV

         "Oh Tsubasa....it was absolutely awful!" Akari cried into my shoulder.  I rubbed her back, trying to comfort her after what happened.  "The worst part is that it's going to go viral, and I'll be a laughing stock, and what about your brand?"
         "I don't care about that. Akari, I care more about how you're doing." I said kissing the top of her head.
        "But imagine how much I'll be laughed at because I got dunked with mud on stage" she cried.
        "If your fans are truly loyal, they'll have your back.  Let haters hate." I told her, resting my hand on her shoulder.  She wiped away her tears and sat up.
         "You're right, Thank you...that really helps." She said.
         "Sena, what a surprise!" Some random girl with very long red hair said, shoving my girlfriend to the side and sitting right next to me.
         "Wouldn't you look, she got you all covered in mud, how embarrassing." She said, making a blatantly fake pity voice.
          "I don't really care.  I can always wash it." I said with no emotion.
          "Aww well, I hope it washes out." Her phone rang. "Oh I gotta go, bye." She said, kissing my cheek. Gross.  Wasn't she that girl I turned down a while ago? The one who desperately wanted my premium rare?  Akari glared at her as she walked out.
         "I don't like her." She said.

Tsubasa's Awkward Crush - An Aikatsu Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now