5. Promo

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Akari's POV

"Akari, I....uh....was wondering if you would also wear my designer brand pointe shoes? You know, as my muse?" It sounded like he wanted to say something else, but bailed on it. He looked so sweet. I so wanna ask him out here and now, but I'm too shy. The waitress came back to take our orders, and I ordered beansprout phõ, and he ordered Wagyu. Then he ordered some fancy soda drinks for the two of us.
"So when shall we do our promo?" I asked.
"Tuesday maybe?"
"That sounds perfect!"
       "I will have some of my tutus, and my casual wear ready for you."
       "Awesome". I blushed.  I looked into his eyes, feeling my heart flutter like a butterfly.

Ichigo's POV
I slammed the door behind me, collapsing on my bed. Are we even together anymore? Whether it was a breakup or not wasn't clear, but I guess it's over now.... It was bound not to work out, wasn't it? How could I even have expected it to last? It was a matter of time before we both snapped. But...,after all we had gone through, the gang fights, the time he saved me from getting kidnapped, it's over....because I was stupid. I never realized how much I loved him until I lost him. He was right, I was kind of shrugging him off and pushing him away.  If only I hadn't had so much pride. And what I said at the end..... what have I done? The worst part is I have to be in his class on Monday, to do a presentation to his class.

It was the most awkward thing ever, being right beside the man who now hated me, acting cold, just marking his papers and not even giving me a glance except a single glare. It had been my fault after all. I faked my smile and kept going, before his classroom left. I cleaned up, we were alone—with an awkward silence. If it hadn't been for me being so stupid, we could have been laughing together. No, stop dreaming Ichigo. It's over.
"Ahh, Coolkawa-teacher. Why don't you give Starmiya feedback on her presentation?" Johnny said entering the room. He looked at me with a sharp glare.
"It was more of a sales pitch than a professional presentation of the life as an idol. He said before standing up and starting to walk away.
"Wait- what happened to how beautiful she is or some remark of her scent?"
"She's the same as any top idol, I guess." He said before walking out of the room. I packed my laptop and took it back to my dorm. Everything hurt, my heart hurt, and my chest hurt.


Fouette, arabesque jump, and land.
"Akari you're rocking it!" Tsubasa said. We were currently filming me in the princess tutus. The were definitely identifiable with Dreamy Crown. Then we had a male ballerina in a prince costume go in set. This was the part we danced as part of the promo video.
We had already done the modern-wear, the tutu skirts were so beautiful, especially the casual tulle skirt with a pink ombré and a big two roses on the skirt hem.
"Beautiful, now lift her up." Tsubasa instructed. We did as directed, as I elegantly landed on the ground. "Alright, that's a wrap." He said. Everyone left to go get changed, as Tsubasa came to me with a bag. "Here, take this. There are several others of these being sold, and if you're seen wearing it, it will sell." He said. I looked inside. It was the skirt I loved.
"I loved it! Thank you!"
"It also makes you look so beautiful, but you don't need a pretty dress to be a princess." I blushed.
"Oh thank you, but I'm not really that special." I said with an embarrassing blush.
"Never say that. Because you are special." He said.
"Oh I'm really not."
"Akari—.." at a loss for words, he took my hand and lead me somewhere private. "Don't ever put yourself down like that."
"I'm confused, I mean I'm just your muse. Had I not become a hit, hoe special would I be?"
"And aren't I just a designer? Could I not say the same thing?" He said.
"I mean, I perform well and do my best, I work hard and make you successful, but without all of that, who am I really?" Why am I saying this to him? "I mean, if I wasn't a big idol, would you even—" He grabbed my chin and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him as he wrapped his arms around my waist, raising an arm to rest on the back of my neck. We pulled away after 10 seconds, taking deep breaths, our faces as red as tomatoes.
"Would you take that as answer? I mean, who am I without my designs? I didn't fall in love with you because of your popularity...."
     "You love me?"
"I actually said it out loud?"
"I totally thought you'd reject me and find a better muse if you knew."
"Knew what?"
"That I loved you too." I said. He started stuttering at a loss for words.
"What? Do I look like a jerk or something?" He sighed. "I guess we were both nervous."
"Nervous and overthinking."
"Nervous and insecure."
"Ha yea...."
"Akari, will you..."
"..be my boyfriend?"
"Yes!" We said in unison. We both laughed, him taking my hand.
"I can't believe this is happening...." He said. I smiled and nodded. Breaking out in giggles, laughter of pure bliss. He kissed me on the cheek
"Then I guess I should introduce you to my parents." I said with a smile.
"Sure!" Shoot, I just realized one thing, my dad....

Tsubasa's Awkward Crush - An Aikatsu Love Story Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora