4. The Date

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       "This is where we're eating lunch?" Akari asked, staring at the restaurant stunned.
       "Yup," I said.
       "It's so fancy....And doesn't this place require reservations?"
       "Ahh Sena-san, welcome! Here, why don't I seat you two..." a host said kindly.  I winked at Akari.
       "So you did book reservations?"
       "Nope, I'm just a regular here." He said as the host took us to a window seat.  Akari's cheeks were slightly pink as we sat down.
      "Here are your menus and I will be back very soon to take your orders." The host said.
      "Thank you" we said at the same time.  We smiled and giggled at our awkward unison as we open the menus. There was a 2 minute silence before I spoke up.
      "So I was actually thinking of doing a fashion line for ballerinas, coincidentally." I said.
      "Really? Wow that's crazy."
      "Yea it is, and I was wondering if you wanted to model for it? As you are a ballerina, and my muse, I think it would be a fit."
      "I'd love to model for it.  Are you manufacturing tutu's for studios or making ballet inspired streetwear though?"
      "Yea, then I'm more than happy to model for you.  You want me to be doing ballet in your designs for a photo shoot, or..."
      "A promo video?"
"Okay, and you probably want me to dance, right?"
"Your dancing definitely will make this promo huge.  Do we have a deal?"
"For sure!"  I looked at her beautiful face, it was still tinted pink.  She looked nervous.  I think I need to tell her.
      "Akari I—"

Ichigo's Point Of View

"Did you see Akari since her performance?" I asked, approaching my boyfriend.
"No, why?" He asked.
"She disappeared after her performance, as well as Sena-san. Do you think they could be...."
"Maybe, but why are you worrying so much about their relationship?"
"Huh?" He took my hand and led me somewhere we were alone.
"Why do you care so much about them, what about us?"
       "Ichigo, we haven't had much time together at all lately, at least—not like this." He said.
"I know, I'm sorry—just I've been busy."
"So have I, but even through all my marking, teaching, band activity, I still try to find some time in my packed up schedule for you."
"And I've been so busy as you know, and....it's just...."
"Ichigo, I've seen you have lots of free time, you have at least 3 hours everyday that your aren't working. And you don't even bother texting me."
"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I've been thinking..."
"Thinking about what?" Naoto said, his tone getting more agitated. Ichigo turned her face away.
"Don't you think it's a little weird? You being a teacher? And all those girls always chasing you? And you never try to make time for me. And I hardly have 30 minutes. I've tried to arrange times when I am not caught up and you'd just make excuses and hang out with your friends. As well as you always get super jealous if a guy even looks at me."
"Oh don't be a hypocritical Ichigo. You get so jealous when girls chase me."
"But they take it a level up. You always go crazy whenever a guy comes close to me."
"And you complain about me caring about you?"
"It's not that I mind you caring, but you're so clingy!"
"I've had enough of this Ichigo. I'm not clingy, I just wish you'd stop neglecting me."
"Yea, you send 15 texts yet you're not clingy? I'm sorry that my music career is sooo much busier than you basically getting paid to flirt with middle schoolers." I said in a snarky tone
"And I'm sorry that I'm too clingy for you, princess." He snapped back angrily.
"It's not just you being clingy. You're a teacher. You literally put our relationship on the line for extra cash even though you hit it big in your career as Nao. But you expect me to have time for you when all you're friends are too busy, and then you actually want time with me?"
"Well maybe I have been spending more time with my friends because I'm so sick of you always being so absent when we are together.  You know, with your kirakratter,  you literally care about your career more." He yelled. 
       "Another thing I absolutely hate about you.  You always demand my attention.  I can't always give you attention, Naoto."
       "I don't ask for too much.  A minute per day is enough, but you started to forget me as you career went on.  And I heard you say it's weird because I'm a teacher? That's it? I'm too creepy for you even though I'm younger?  You were way out of me league, what was I thinking dating a celebrity."
       "I don't know what I was thinking, dating when idol romance was forbidden."
       "Did you just imply dating me was a mistake?" Naoto asked, very heated.  I'd have had enough at this point.
       "It's not like you didn't first." I said angrily.
"You know what? I really can't take anymore. I'm sorry I'm too clingy for you" he yelled sarcastically.
"You know what? . I don't need this. Maybe I should've found a guy who was more understanding." I said, in the spur of the moment, only to realize what I had truly just said.
"And if I'm replaceable to you, maybe things are better this way." He said, his angry tone now hurt and defeated, before storming off.

3rd person (Narrators POV)
As Akari and Tsubasa left the restaurant, a particular someone watched in jealousy—Tsubaki Saionji.  They cane out laughing and looking at each other with loving eyes.
"This girl, she has the nerve to steal my man?....I will ruin her...."

Tsubasa's Awkward Crush - An Aikatsu Love Story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now