10. Mixed Reactions

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"I'm sorry." I couldn't believe my ears. "The truth is, being an idol....I had my reasons, but it wasn't truly for me. I was jealous and I acted out, but it was never you." Tsubaki's hands held each other nervously.
"I forgive you" I said with a smile. I wasn't necessarily forgiving her because I'm over it, I still acknowledge how crappy her actions were, but it's always best to be kind. "And I wish you luck on your oath to being Iran idol."
"Thank you, but actually....I'm dropping out of Starlight."
"Hey, if this is to do with your reputation—"
"It's not, I mean it's part of it, but being an idol, the perfect lady? It's really not me. I was....it's complicated. I'm salvaging whatever little honour I have left and transferring to a protestant Christian boarding school that's for troubled teens, and I'm studying to a therapist."
"Wow, So you changed ambition?"
"Honestly, I've always been wanting to help people, but my self-forced path to be an idol corrupted me. Especially when I got jealous. I want to be me again."
"If you don't mind me asking, what woke you up?" She looked at me and looked away nervously, with a sad expression.
"I already knew what I've become, but jealousy ruled over. I just stopped desiring what drove me this way."
"You know, I never thouht we could talk like this, girl to girl." I said pointing at her and I. She slightly giggled.
"Yeah, but I'm glad." She said. I noticed her fingers fiddling with a cross necklace.
"Again, I'm really sorry for acting out on you, I have found fulfillment in what's really important, and found love from someone who's loved my whole life despite what I did." She said, I noticed her eyes looking up in the sky and back to me."
       "Well, that's good.  I wish you luck." I said before getting up from my seat.  "You'll have to forgive me, I have to get ready for an event.  Good talking to you!" I said.
       "Yeah, well, good luck with your event m." She said, before we shook hands.  I picked up my purse and left Starbucks.  I checked my phone and saw several texts from Tsubasa.  I smiled and giggled.  It's the morning of the party, and needed to get ready.
         My hair stylist and makeup artist showed up to my dorm, and did my makeup.  I had a dark pink lipstick , long fake eyelashes with volume, and winged eyeliner.  When I saw myself I couldn't believe how amazing I looked.

         I stepped foot into the building feeling like a queen.  Tsubasa escorted me there, in his grey suit with a pink tie. 
       Immediately, everyone started staring.  To be fair, we were very low-key with our relationship.
The whole night was awesome, there were speeches, people spoke to me, Ichigo was there, and I was having a great time. At one point in the night Tsubasa took me aside to talk.
"I would like to go public with our relationship." He said.
"Really? Are you sure?"
"I'm more than sure.  Sure love is forbidden for idols, but that rule is stupid.  Just like Ichigo, we can defy it too."
         "What if my fans stop liking me."
         "If they're really your fans, they'll be happy for you."  I held my breath, staring at the city lights in my thoughts.  I love this guy, and he means the world to me.  I wonder how many other idols feel this way.  If things go bad, I'm scared to know what could come, but if things go right, then it will empower other idols to pursue relationships.
          "Let's do it." I said looking back at him.
          "Are you 100% sure?"
         "Yes, we should do it."
        I pulled on my phone, putting on Instagram livestream.
         "Hello everyone, so Tsubasa and I have an announcement."
        "So just a few weeks ago something happened that we didn't share with you guys."
        "We're dating."  I said.  Immediately comments swirled in, good, bad, everything.  Some people were outright angry, saying that I was selfish.  I didn't know what to do, so I ended it.  I turned to my boyfriend, unsure what to say or feel or think.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you." I looked at him and shook my head.
"I agreed to it, I'm just as accountable." I said, leaning in to kiss him.
         "I still feel bad though, I mean, I didn't want to ruin your career." He said.
          "It's ok, although I did count on staying in the idol industry and being an actress for my career, I still have a back up plan."
         "But isn't idol school exclusively idol things?"
         "We do have classes for idol activities, but they also give us the same curriculum of academics incase we change paths. I mean, for the high school students they don't have chemistry, physics and biology separately in classes because by highschool we're expected to be committed by now, but even they get the basic curriculum so they don't get stuck.  It's just online."
       "Wow I never knew that." He said.  He leaned against the wall.  "So what are you going to do?"
        "Maybe I'll just wait it out before doing anything big.  If this scandal gets bad I'll go to cram school and I will figure out another dream.  It's okay, you've made me happier than my career ever will."
       "Dreams aren't that easy to replace."
       "I know, but everything will work out."
        "Alright, I'd hope so. Andou I hope you know I'll always be there for you, okay?"
       "Thank you, Tsubasa.  And if you ever need anyone I'm here too."

Tsubasa's Awkward Crush - An Aikatsu Love Story Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang