"Admiring their deco. Though I'm still wondering why there's a Christmas tree," Azazel says pointing to the white tree before looking at a donkey painting that was tilted to the side. "...I wonder... is this where they stash their goodies?"

Walking over to the tilted painting, Azazel unhooked it from the wall and turned it to look at the back. Smirking a bit, Azazel removed a small baggy of powder from the back. "Look at that... I was right."

"Well! That painting became far more valuable." Lucifer chuckled in response, as the door is suddenly opened by a young woman with bleach white hair. "Hello, Naomi."

"Who the hell are you?" Naomi snaps at him, wondering why they're in her home.

"Heroin inspector. I'm afraid your spoons aren't up to standards, so..." Lucifer jokes as Azazel crosses his arms and looked to the ground. After having a conversation with Naomi and sending her down to the station, Chloe had received an urgent call and had left Lucifer and Azazel by themselves.

"She's got to stop doing that!" Lucifer complained as Chloe drove off. Azazel sighed heavily and took out his keys.

"I'm driving."


Returning from the boring search at Naomi's home, Azazel had returned to Lux. Sketching out some very detailed symbols onto his sketchbook as he sat at the bar while Maze was detailing the bottles of scotch and whiskey they have.

Looking up from his sketch, Azazel looked down to see Ruth tugging on the end of his jacket. Pouting at his canine friend, he scratches his ear and looked around trying to figure out why Ruth was bothering him. His eyes stopped at a young child wearing a princess dress coming down the stairs and stopping at the next to him.

"Is Lucifer here?" She asked him, as Maze turned around towards them. Azazel shook his head and resumed his sketching.

"Who are you suppose to be?" Maze asked.

"I'm Trixie, his friend," Trixie tells her.

"His friends get worse and worse." Maze response, shaking her head in disgust.

"Who's? Mine or Lucifer's?" Az asked narrowing his eyes at her.

"Hmm... Mostly Lucifer's," Maze replies before looking at Trixie. "And I hate to break it to you but he's not here."

"That's ok. I'll wait." Trixie says as she climbs onto the stool next to Azazel.

Turning his head toward the small human, Azazel smirks and turns away as Maze places two glass cups in front of them. Pour whiskey into each of the glasses.

"So what do you want with him?" Maze asked Trixie curiously.

"He cheers me up," Trixie replies innocently as Maze smirks taking one of the drinks. Before Trixie was able to grab the other one Azazel takes it and shakes his head in disapproval.

"Sorry, Shortcake. This is big people stuff," Az tells her, downing half of the liquid before turning towards Maze. "Bad Mazy."

"Mommy and Nana were fighting about what I wanted to be when I grow up," Trixie says.

"Well, that's really not their decision," Az explains. "Dad wanted me and Lucifer to help with the family business like our other obedient siblings but that didn't work."

"What do you want to be?" Maze asked.

"I want to be the first president of Mars... or a Zookeeper," Trixie says.

"Well, not looking like that you aren't," Az says getting up from his seat and going to fix Trixie's hair. "Too much glitter."

"I used to be a zookeeper... in a way," Maze tells the small human as Az gave her the stink eye.

"Really? That's so cool," Trixie giggles as Azazel finishes redoing her hair. 

Sitting back down in his seat, Azazel grabs the bottle from the bar and pours himself another glass of whiskey. "There. Much better, don't you think" Azazel asked looking from Trixie to Maze.

"It's not as terrible as it was before," Maze states as the two immortal beings drank the last bit of whiskey in the glasses.

"Trixie!" The trio heard and turned to see Chloe walking over to them. "Thank god you're okay. What were you thinking, running off like that?"

"I wanted to see Lucifer. But he wasn't here," Trixie explained. "So I made new friends. What're your names."

"Mazikeen and that guy over there is Lucifer's brother, Azazel," Maze says, "But you can call me Maze and Azazel Az."

"Thank you, Maze, Azazel," Chloe thanks the two. But Maze glared at her in disgust. "I never said you could."

Hours had passed and midnight struck when Lucifer returned to his penthouse to find Azazel waiting for him with a grimoire and etc. The two brothers sat next to each other at the bar while Lucifer removed his jacket so Azazel could remove the bandages.

"I thought you were joking when you told me you got burnt," Azazel snickered as he unwraps the bandages from his arm. "The devil gets burnt by fire. Never thought that irony would come true- well with Hell's Fire, not Earth Fire." 

"Ha ha ha, get to healing. I don't want to wait on the healing," Lucifer fake laughs. 

"Says the angel that wanted to experience the joys of human pain," Azazel says mostly wanting to mock Lucifer as he used his magic to remove the burn from his arm. "There. No more burn mark. Where's the good whiskey?"

Getting up from his stool, Azazel looked around for the whiskey he was favoring till the elevator door opening. To their surprise, it was the detective looking all drunk-ish. Quickly covering his things with his leather jacket, Azazel looks at Lucifer then at Chloe with a concerned look.

"Chloe, you look like you're having a rough night. Someone skip out on you?" Azazel asked jokingly but was still concerned by Chloe's unprofessional look she was in. 

"I've got to say this is unexpected," Lucifer adds as he walks over to her.

"You said the door is always opened, and I'm walking through it," Chloe says ignoring Azazel and walks over to the bar, pouring herself a drink.

"Now I've got to agree with Az has something happened?" Lucifer says agreeing to Azazel earlier comment. "I'm guessing by the looks of it - with Dan perhaps."

"You mean Detective Douche?" Chloe says talking a chug of her glass. The two brothers chuckled a bit before Lucifer continued to speak with her.

"Yes, well, of course that's what me and my brother mean, but the bigger question is: why do you mean that?" 

"Yep. That douche fucked up," Azazel whispers to his brother before grabbing his things. "I've just remembered that I left Ruth alone in my room. So, got to go now."

Running over to the elevator, Azazel waves goodbye to his brother and the human after hitting the button. Watching as the elevator doors shut, he sighed and turned to his left to see Castiel waving over to him.

"How long were you in here?" 

"I was already in the elevator before the human came," Castiel says a bit on edge. "So we going to Karaoke night with the Fallen at the Garage?"

"Always, Cas. We never stop with Karaoke night," Azazel smirks lightly hitting his brother's shoulder. "It's always a blast when you're there. It would be better to have Gabe around but I'm pretty sure he's getting on Michael and Raphael's nerves up there."

"That's what Gabe always does aside from his job with delivering messages," Cas agrees. "Now let's hurry before they start the party without us."

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