s i x t y f o u r

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He looks at it. The screen is still cracked from the day I told him I loved him and he dropped it in shock. "Yeah," he says.

"Why didn't you get it fixed?"

"I don't know, I just couldn't," he replies. "It reminds me of what you said that day."

I smile like an idiot and look at the floor.

"Now you go get in the shower, and I'll make breakfast. Let's get this show on the road!" Luke claps his hands twice and points towards the bothroom and I laugh at his mock leadership.

I shower quickly and change into a grey, off-shoulder shirt and black yoga pants. I meet Luke in the kitchen where he's dressed in black skinny jeans navy blue sweater, and a beanie. He mst have gone home to change.

He slides a plate of eggs and toast towards me, leaning over his phone.

I eat quickly, watchinf Luke.

"What are you thinking?" I ask him.

"Multiple ways to kill Drew," he replies.


"So far the best is choking him with the fake plants at Ivory."

"I like that one."

"As do I."

We smirk and I put away my empty plate.

"Alright, let's go," he says, grabbing his jacket from the couch.

"Wait," I say. "I need to ask you something."

He turns back to me expectantly.

"What... what are we?" I ask.

"We're humans, Alaska, now let's get going."

"No, I mean... where do we stand?"

"Oh," he says, raising an eyebrow. "Well, I love you, and you love me, so as long as you're mine, I'm yours."

I smile. "Okay," I say, nodding.

He smiles back, stepping towards me and hooking his arm around my waist, kissing my lips softly.

"Now, we have to get going," he says, handing me my jacket and I nod, still smiling widely.

Luke puts on the Arctic Monkeys in the car, and I know he's trying to lighten the mood. Drew's threats hang heavy in the air, and I can tell Luke's worried, although he won't say. I feel so connected to him after the other night, and if I couldn't bear to see him hurt before, it would kill me to see him hurt now.

He finally turns into Calum's apartment lot, pulling the car to a stop.

We stare ahead for a few moments, silence engulfing the car.

Luke's jaw is clenched, his eyes a darker shade of blue than normal. I look at him, and he loos over at me, catching my eye

"You alright?" He asks, and I nod.

He nods and gets out of the car, me following.

I pull my coat tighter around me as we walk, Luke's hand resting on the small of my back.

We don't speak as we take the elevator to Calum's floor, Luke knocking in Morse code on the apartment door.

Calum opens it, a grave epression on his face as he beckons us inside.

Everyone else is already seated, solemn looks on their faces.

Luke and I sit on the couch, my nerves hitting a high.

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