"What about parties?" I asked.

"We all know you two are way too lazy for that." He laughed, and left with my mom.

He wasn't wrong.

Soon Bailey and I fell asleep, and it was dark in the house other than the glow from the tv. I didn't know if anyone was home, but the only sounds were coming from the tv and Bailey's snoring. I checked my phone, seeing a couple messages.

L: Staying over at Soph's, see you tomorrow ugly

Me: good stay away

H: At what time will we be working tomorrow? I have church

Me: 5 work?

H: In the morning?
H: I just told you I had church I have to be up by 8 and out the house by 10

Me: yes harry 5am
Me: obviously i meant in the afternoon
Me: i can't even wake up on time for school what makes you think i'd get up at 5

H: Oh, my apologies. Yes, 5:00 works then. Should I meet you at the bookstore again?

Me: yeah.
Me: might i ask
Me: what're you doing awake at 11 at night harold

H: With all due respect, my name is Harry.
H: I am studying.

Me: for what?
Me: and why don't you use contractions over text?
Me: you text like my grandpa

H: An upcoming test for a summer program.
H: I do not believe in the use of contractions over text it is unprofessional.
H: Also, no I do not.

Me: summer is nowhere near
Me: but whatever gramps.

H: I need to take the test now in order to even apply.

Me: ooookay whatever you say jose

H: I thought my name was gramps?

Me: it's late go to sleep. goodnight buddy

H: Goodnight Lena.

Jonathan: Do you work tomorrow?
J: Do i work tomorrow??

Me: why don't you know your own schedule?
Me: no i don't work tomorrow
Me: im not sure if you do
Me: dummy

With that, I decided to go to bed. It was late. Getting up, I threw a pillow at Bailey and she grunted.

"If you want to sleep in a bed tonight you better come now because I'm locking my door." I called.

She groaned and got up, dragging her feet up the stairs.

Bailey and I slept in till 4 and it felt great. I had no idea who was home or what anyone was doing, but it felt good to be unbothered. I grabbed my phone, looking at the time. Bailey got up and stretched.

"Good afternoon." I laughed.

"What time is it?"

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