7th grade

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7th grade had to be one of my favorite school years, but at the same time, I hated it. 

So much shit happened in just 8 months and it was crazy. I regret so much I did that year, including some of the friends I made.

Here are a couple funny and serious stories I have from 7th grade...


~Sometime in February~

The day was going really good. My friends and I met up in the morning at our usual spot and had some good laughs. When it was time to go to class we all parted ways and headed to our classes. I had P.E. first period and I absolutely hated it. It made my clean hair dirty and greasy. I hated sweating and then smelling for the rest of the day. 

Second period was a lot better because that was art. I may have not been able to draw good but the teacher was very sweet and I had two friends in the class that were a grade below me. Their names are Krystal and Joy. Krystal was dating Taehyung, who I didn't approve of at all because he's a big time fuck boy. Joy was single, I had a theory that she was closeting herself and she was bisexual. They were like my children because I loved them so much and felt so protective over them.

We only had 50 minutes in each class, besides ELA, and it honestly sucked. I hated having to leave art to go to my civics class.

Civics class was the worst. Mr. Lee, the teacher, was horrible at teaching and he was a big asshole. On top of that, my class was full of bad kids, including myself, hehe, but still it was the worst class ever.

Fourth period was a fun class but the teacher didn't really care what we did even though it was a core class. I learned some things but I wouldn't be able to take a test on them and pass it.

The class was going great, so far. My friend Taeyeon and I were just talking until there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it and the principal was standing outside. Coincidentally, I was the student he needed. I gathered my stuff and went into the hallway. My friend Irene was standing there with a red face and it looked like she had been crying. We followed him to an empty classroom and in there was Jungkook (Jungkook and I had made up and were now just friends), Taeyong, and Bambam. They looked at Irene and I and shook their heads. We were told to sit in separate seats far away from each other. In my head I thought, "this can't be good."

"Do you know why you're all here?" The principal asked. 

We all shook our heads no, not wanting to speak words.

He explained to us why he pulled us all out of class and I was in tears.

A boy, Seungmin, had snitched on us for "bullying" him. 

Here's a little backstory to us "bullying" Seungmin.

In January, there was a group chat made. It consisted of Jungkook,Taeyong, Bambam, Irene, Seungmin, and I. I had no clue why Seungmin was in the group chat, none of us were friends with him. Seungmin kept on starting arguments and was making fun of everyone in the group chat and that really made everyone mad. We started calling him out for it and we would make fun of him. Sometimes we were a little harsh but I was mad and wanted to let my feelings out.

I guess he screenshotted what we said about him and showed it to the Principal.

We tried explaining our side of the story to the principal, but he wouldn't listen. We all got referrals and our parents were called.

I was grounded for 3 months.


~Sometime in May~

Now this is going to be a funny story, so sit back and grab some popcorn.

It all happened in my ELA class. It was the last class of the day and we had a substitute teacher, so we were all hyper. The substitute was kinda dumb, so we were all on our phones messing around and recording videos. 

My friends, Jisoo and Hyuna, were messing around near one of the whiteboards. They were play fighting and pushing each other and not paying attention to what was happening around them. It all happened so slow. Jisoo had pushed Hyuna into the whiteboard and the whole board fell on top of her. Everyone was screaming and laughing. Hyuna started yelling at Jisoo and they were both blaming it on each other.

As a punishment, the substitute said she wasn't going to put the whiteboard back up so when our teacher comes back she'll see that it was knocked over by a student. 

When she came back we were all in trouble. Haha.


My 7th grade year was crazy. It was the year I received nudes for the first time, the year the whole cafeteria sang Happy Birthday to me at lunch, the year I got closer to Min Yoongi.


Hey guys!!!!!!!! I really hope you are enjoying this fanfiction, I'm going to try my best to release a new chapter every day but it's going to be hard with school and all. Please make it blow up<3. Please love and share it and comment your thoughts on what I should improve on. Love you all<3.  

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