Oh My God

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If you didn't read the last two chapters, it's different. But you'll find out now.
Evan's POV
I woke up beside a snoring Tyler. He was turned to the opposite side from me, and I was glad he didn't have to see me. I got up swinging my legs off the side of the bed and hopped down. I wore a baggy shirt and boxers to bed like always. I took my glasses and put them on, and headed downstairs to make myself some coffee and breakfast.
I waited for the coffee to finish and began making breakfast. Just as I started I heard footsteps coming down the steps. I looked over and saw Tyler rubbing his eye sleepily and smile when he saw me.
"Good morning." I said to him and kept cooking.
"Good morning. I see your making breakfast and....coffee?" He asked. I nodded and he hummed slightly and leaned on a counter. "Listen, I...I'm sorry about what I did yesterday." Tyler spoke which made me shiver.
"It's alright. I just didn't feel comfortable." I told him. I heard him walk up to me, then he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Is this Okay?" He asked and I nodded smiling. I'm glad he cares of how I feel, especially not knowing what's wrong with me.
"Here, mind cooking the rest. I just gotta talk to Craig for a minute." He smiled and nodded, letting me go. I went upstairs and knocked on Craig and Marcel's room.
"Come in." I heard from inside. I walked in and saw Marcel pulling his hair back into a small pony tail (yes I'm having Marcel with a little bit of long hair. My idea)
"Goodmorning Evan." He greeted. "Craig's just getting dressed-" And then Craig walked out and saw me.
"Hey Ev. What's up?" Craig asked.
"Can I talk to you?" I asked him a little embarrassed. He noticed my stance and expression. He nodded and looked at Marcel who left the room understanding that this was a private conversation.
"What's wrong?" Craig asked sitting me down on the bed. I stuttered a few times but he took my hand calming me down.
"Tyler. It's just...should I tell him?" I questioned him. I didn't know what to do, Tyler should know. Though he might hate me after and that'll be horrible.
"You can tell him. But if your too afraid then don't." Craig told me.
"But I want to tell him, he should know like everybody else." I felt tears well up in my eyes. It was overwhelming.
"Evan, he should know. I'm here for you and if he doesn't agree with you being trans then fuck him. He shouldn't be in your life." He told me. "You don't need that kind of hate. But if he does accept you, then that's great." I smiled and looked up at him. He smiled back and wiped my tears that were starting to fall. "You just need to be fine with telling him."
"Thanks Craig. You're the best." I hugged him and he hugged back.
"Nah. I just know the feeling." He chuckled. We pulled away fr9 the hug and I got up. "You sure you want to tell him?" I nodded. "Also, have taken your shot?" I gasped and shook my head, I ran into my room and took out my needle and the small bottle.
"Craig, a little help?" He walks in and took the needle and bottle. He took the amount in the needle and I stretched out my leg and looked away. I felt a pinch and it hurt quite a bit.
"Okay, your good." He told me and I sighed happily.
"Thanks. I hate doing.p it myself." I smiled awkwardly.
"It's alright." He out the needle back in the small bag I had for it and the bottle. "You gonna be okay today? How long have you been on it?"
"A year. I'm hoping to get off it once I see the doctors." I said getting up feeling the pain. "And I'm fine. I've gotten used to the pain." Craig helped me a bit down the stairs and I saw Tyler sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee.
"Hey Tyler. I want to tell you something." I said to him. He placed his cup down and got up. Craig left the both of us and going outside to Marcel. "So I hope you don't hate me for this, but I'm...I'm a trans guy."

Tyler's POV
"I'm a trans guy." I stared at him in awe. This is what he was scared about? That's why he ran away from me.
"Are you serious?" I asked. He nodded and I went up to him and hugged him. "God Evan, I don't care. I'm just glad you don't hate me for what I did to you."
"Careful I just took my shot." He chuckled and I let him go. He smiled and I kissed him. It felt nice, and he kissed back which made me smile.
"So you don't mind me not having a dick?" He asked laughing a bit after we pulled apart.
"I don't care if you have whatever as long as you love me. And I love you." Evan smiled a big smile than I've ever seen. He's been keeping this from me and he's so happy that I accept him.
"I love you too Ty." He spoke.
"I'm glad." I told him. I start to see tears falling down his cheeks. "Hey what's wrong?" He wiped them away.
"I'm just happy. I was so scared about what you would think of me." He explained. "But I'm so happy your fine with it."
"Of course. Your still the man I fell in love with." I said and hugged him. "Don't forget that."

The Pole Dancer (Vancat) *remake*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora