Is This Real?

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Tyler's POV
I had just taken Evan to bed in our room...sounds like were married or something. But I laid him down and took his head phones out, and put his phone and headphones on the bedside table. I laid down as well and watched Evan as he slept. He looked so adorable, I noticed his glasses and took them off too.
I sighed. I guess I do like him. I never would have thought, but...he's really cute, and kind, he's amazing. I would protect him with everything.
I then heard knocking and sat up.
"Tyler, mind coming down to help?" Craig asked as he opened the door. I nodded and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, and got off. Following him downstairs, then outside.
"You guys seriously need help?" I asked crossing my arms. "Mark, your supposed to be a muscle man."
"Hey! I have plus one biceps too you know!" Jack squealed. Mark smiled and hoisted him up.
"We know Jack, but Tyler's just being mean." I scowled and took my bag and small suitcase.
"Okay, which one is Evan's?" I asked. Brock walked over and took a red and black suitcase from the back then handed it to me. "Oh, thanks." I put my bag on, then pulled both suitcases along the dirt path. Bringing them up the stairs, sliding the glass door open, and heading upstairs.
I walked in after I had left the door opened, then placed our suitcases near the balcony door. I put my bag on the desk and walked over to the bed where Evan lay, still sound asleep.
I moved the hair out of his face, and focused on his breathing. Slow and steady, and his lips looked so soft. No, I can't think this.
I smiled, and suddenly I was being pulled down onto the bed beside Evan. He was still asleep, must have a been a reaction. I wrapped my arms around him, and felt him against my chest.

Craig's POV
"Now where did I put my phone?" Marcel asked looking around the two cars for it. "I was sure it was around here."
"Maybe it's in Tyler's bag." I suggested. "Hang on I'll go see." I quickly ran up the stairs into Tyler and Evan's room. I walked in and saw them, on the bed, cuddling. I clamped my mouth shut from squealing and made my way over to the balcony door where Tyler's bag was. I unzipped it and rummaged through the bag looking for Marcel's phone.
I finally found it, and looked back at those two lovebirds. I smiled and unlocked Marcel's phone and went to the camera. Quickly taking a picture of them cuddling each other, and running back downstairs.
I walked outside and handed Marcel his phone.
"There's a little photo on there for you." I winked, he looked at me confused then checked his photos. He covered his mouth and snickered. Everyone gathered around him and saw the photo.
"Alright men," Brian announced. "we are only a part way through the plan. This week, will be the most sexual and flirtatious week ever."
I brought out my phone and texted the rest of the guys.
Craig: Plan for the couple Tyler and Evan, get them together this week. Sexual and flirtatiousness~
They all agreed and it was about to go down. Let the cupid action begin.
//That Night//
We had all agreed to play Dirty Truth or Dare with Evan and Tyler being the victims. We called them down after their long nap.
"Hey guys..." Evan said sleepily as he rubbed his eye. "Sorry I went to sleep."
"It's alright Ev." Tyler wrapped and arm around his shoulders and smiled. "You needed that, you stayed up the whole time I'm pretty sure." Evan nodded and ran a hand through his hair.
"Alright, let's get playing." Brian smirked.
"I'll go make some snacks." I told them and went inside then into the kitchen.

Brian's POV
We all went to the fire and sat in the logs that were placed around the fire. David brought matches and Lui carried some wood, placing them in a tent-like formation in the fire pit.
"Wait, don't light it yet." Lui squeaked then ran into the cottage, soon bringing back a bottle of gasoline. Don't know where he got it but, he poured some in the wood but only a little.
David then lit a match and threw it onto the wood, soon the wood blazing with fire.
"Alright you pussies." I evilly laughed. "Time to play Dirty Truth or Dare~"
"What!?" Tyler almost yelled. "I didn't sign up for this shit!"
"Basically you did." Marcel laughed. "You agreed to come." Tyler growled and calmed down.
"I shall start." I pointed my thumb at my chest and winked at everyone who gave a sneaky thumbs up. "Tyler, dirty truth or dare~" He stared daggers at me when I only smirked.
"T-Truth." He stammered, his fists gripped on his knees.
"Is it true that you liked Evan's pole dancing~?" He blushed instantly red and took aback. Evan's face grew red and didn't move one bit.
" m-maybe..." Tyler rubbed the back of his head and avoided his gaze at Evan.
"My turn!" David shouted excitedly. He looked around and smirked. "Evan, dirty truth or dare." Evan flinched and looked up.
"U-Uh, t-truth..." He stuttered.
"Is it true that you like Tyler," David's smirk grew wider. "more than a friend."
"I-I can't a-answer that!" He squeaked. We all stared him down for his answer. "O-Okay, maybe." I looked at Mark and he smiled.
"My turn bitches." Mark told us. "Tyler you used your truth already, time for a dare." Tyler looked at him and blushed furiously. Soon Craig came back with snacks, he had made us fruit sticks. We all took one and waited for Mark to tell him what his dare was.
"I dare you, Tyler, to make out with Evan." He said finally. "And you get ten minutes." We all smirked and basically high fived in our heads. Knowing Tyler, he doesn't want to be called a pussy.
" g-guys suck ass." He growled and took Evan up to the cottage. Soon as they went inside we all laughed.
"This will be great!" Jack squealed.

Tyler's POV
I couldn't believe them. I can't believe them. Telling me to join their game, now I'm here about to make out with Evan. My crush.
"T-Tyler, you d-don't have to d-do this." Evan whimpered. I shook my head.
"It's fine." I told him trying to hide my massive blush. I brought us into our room and closed the door. "Listen Evan, I didn't mean for this to happen."
"Hey, this is the most fun I've had in years." He said calmly as he sat down on the bed. I sat beside him and leaned in closer to him. He noticed and leaned in as well, soon our lips connected and a blast of excitement rushed through me.
I placed a hand on his cheek then down to his neck. We pulled away for air, then went right back at it. I licked his bottom lip, as he gladly opened his mouth. Sliding my tongue in his mouth and exploring his mouth. Our tongues danced as our lips moved in sync. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I laid him down. I was on top of him, while not breaking the hot and passionate kiss.
He wrapped his legs around my lower back and pulled me down.
I felt myself get a hard on. We broke away and stared at each other. Evan was blushing furiously-
"Ah~ T-Tyler..." He moaned quietly. I realized where my hard member was.
"O-Oh, sorry." I tried to move away but he prevented me from doing so. "E-Evan...?" He looked at me and smiled.
"D-Don't move, I like this." He whispered. I blushed and smirked. I moved my member around as he moaned silently. "G-God...fuck~" I kissed along his neck, then started to suck certain spots making Evan jolt under me. I decided to bite, leaving little hickeys along the bottom of his neck.
He was so sensitive, I sat up and slid my hands under his shirt, moving them all around. Evan shivered at the touch. I went upward and slightly rubbed his nipples making him moan blissfully.
"T-Tyler~" He moaned. I raised his shirt just above his chest revealing his abs, and chest. I leaned down and licked one of his nipples. Evan ran a hand through my hair and gripped tightly. I sucked on it slowly as he squirmed with anticipation.
I pulled away happily and looked at Evan who was panting and covering his blush with one hand. He let go of my hair and sat up. I smiled and pecked him on the lips.
"Shall we go back?" I questioned. He nodded and pulled his shirt down, as I ruffled my hair back to normal. Evan fixed his hair a bit before we left.
I opened the sliding glass door and allowed Evan to go first, as he left I closed the door and followed him down. We sat down on the log we were currently sitting down on before we had left.
" was it?" Brian asked.

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