Those Eyes

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Tyler's POV
I couldn't stop thinking about him, staring at him. No wonder he was in a hurry.
"So, you like Evan?" Mark asked.
"N-No, I just met him." I said. "I've just never seen anyone like him." I propped my chin My the palm of my hand as I pondered. "I've just never met a man like him. I've been through so many relationships, and...none have worked out." I suddenly felt a hand in my hair.
"Don't worry, I can tell you all I can about good ol' Ev." Mark told me. "Well, I barely know anything about him, but you can ask Jack, or Brock." I nodded and took Marks hand off my head.
"Where can I find Brock?" I asked smiling.
"Probably in his dressing room." Mark went over to end of the bar and took an empty glass. "But I can give you a little pass of mine that you can use." He winked and handed me his pass.
"Oh gee thanks." I said sarcastically. "But I'll pass for today." I slide the pass back to him and hop off my seat.
"I need to go back to my friends." I said putting my hands in my pockets. "I'll be back, probably." I waved to Mark goodbye, and looked around for Kelly, Marcel, and Craig. I scratched my head and kept looking around until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked behind me to see no one
"Ahem, down here." I looked down to see that guy. He's got to be at least 5'11, while I'm 6'5. That's why I didn't see him.
"Oh sorry, Hello." I blushed and waved. He smiled and wiped his forehead.
"Hey." He smiled cutely. "I saw you watching me. Haven't seen you around here." I chuckled and nodded. "But I do remember you."
"How could I forget those eyes." I smiled, then realized what I said. "Sorry!" I blushed furiously. I saw him blush and cover his face with the towel he had around his neck. "I uh, really liked your...performance." 
"T-Thank you." He stuttered. I felt arms wrap around my neck and pull me back.
"Hey Tyler~" It was Kelly. She peered around me and saw him. "Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Kelly, don't worry I'm not his girlfriend. Tyler is totally gay." I blushed and shoved her away from me.
"Shut up." I said through gritted teeth.
"Really? That's great! I mean, t-that's good to know." He said hiding his face again.
"C'mon Ty. Your probably tired." She cooed. "But I bet you what to stay and talk with this handsome young man."
"N-No, it's fine." He told her. "I have t-to get back to work a-anyway. I'm Evan by the way. See you." He then walked away, I don't know what came over me but I suddenly looked down and saw his ass.
"Tyler, your staring~" Kelly smirked. I shook my head and headed out the door.
"Tyler and Evan," Kelly sang.
"Don't even start it Kel." I told her. "Your so childish."
"Sitting in a tree." She kept singing. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love~, then comes marriage, then comes a child from an orphanage." I looked back at her and growled.
"Not happening. You also changed the fucking lyrics." I mumbled as I walked to the car. Craig and Marcel were in the front again and giggling.
I opened the car door and got in, pulling the seat belt across myself and looking out the window.

Evan's POV
I sighed as I walked into the dressing room. Those eyes, so beautiful, so amazing. Like an ocean. You can get lost in the, for hours.
"Evan, what's the matter?" Brock a good friend of mine had asked me. I jumped a bit and turned to look at him.
"Oh, nothing just...a guy." I said blushing a bit.
"You have a crush?" Brock asked with a smile. "Tell me everything." He grabbed a seat and sat beside me, ready to listen like I'm telling my life story.
"Well, I bumped into this guy, his name is Tyler. I just found out." I told him rubbing the back of my neck. "I was late-"
"So that's why you were late!" Brock exclaimed. "Sorry, go on." I giggled and continued the small story about him.
"And now I'm here, thinking what I should do." I turned in my seat frowning, and peering at myself in the mirror. Brock got up and put his hands on my shoulder, and smiled.
"You should totally ask him out." He told me.
"What's going on?" Jack or Séan asked as he walked in. I told the story again and he squealed. "You have a boyfriend." I blushed and shook my head.
"No, no, no! Not like that." I said. "I just met him, I don't know anything about him."
"Evan is gonna ask him out." Brock cooed.
"I am not!" I squeaked.
"Just ask to hang out, get to know him." Jack suggested. "Then soon enough you'll be banging."
"Shut up." I moaned covering my face with my hands. They laughed and I morned the whole time.

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