Tyler's Truth

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Tyler's POV
"So how was it~?" Brian smirked.
"Oh you know, just making out." I told him. "Nothing much." I glanced at Evan who looked relaxed but he was blushing madly. We decided to tell scary stories, but I noticed that Evan was getting closer to me.
But when Mark ended his story, I realized that Evan was gripping onto my shirt for dear life. I mean, Mark has played horror games before, but he's usually the one that's scared.
"I'm tired guys." I said as I grabbed Evan's hands. "Evan seems tired too, right Ev?" He looked at me as I looked down at him. He quickly nodded and we stood up.
"Aw, it was just..." Jack yawned in the middle of his sentence and laid his head on Marks shoulder. "getting to the good part..."
"Alright baby boy, you need sleep too." Mark chuckled and picked up his small boyfriend. I took Evan inside and upstairs to our room and closed the door. He sat down on the bed and sighed. I smiled and took my shirt off and walked over to my suitcase to take out my pajama pants.
I took my shorts off, while putting my clothes in my suitcase.
I put my pajama pants on and walked over to the bed, I noticed Evan staring then he saw me and blushed.
"S-Sorry!" He turned away and buried his face into the pillow.
"It's fine." I told him and lifted the covers, swinging myself under the covers, and lying my head on the pillow on my side facing Evan. "Your allowed to stare all you want." He looked up slightly as an smirked. "Okay, let's just go to sleep." Evan nodded then got up, walking over to his suitcase and bringing out some pj's. He quickly undressed and out his pj's on, then hopped onto the bed lifting the covers and swinging his legs under.
"Comfortable?" I asked. He thought for a moment and shook his head.
"No, something's missing." He suddenly went under the covers and popped up in my arms. "That's better." He smiled, and closed his eyes.
"Cutie." I whispered and kissed his forehead. "Good night Evan."
"Good night Tyler." He mumbled and soon we were both asleep.

In the morning, I woke up feeling something in my arms snuggled up to my chest. I looked to see Evan still sleeping. I smiled and decided to lay there until he woke up.
"Mm." Evan moaned sleepily. I saw his eyes open slowly and look up at me. "Morning piggy..." He yawned and rubbed his eyes.
"Morning baby owl." I chuckled as I moved his bangs out of his face. "Still tired?" He nodded and turned over. I let go of him and got up. I heard his cute snores and smiled, I pulled the covers over him and walked out, closing the door behind me.
I walked down the stairs and heard someone talking. I saw Marcel and Craig who were standing in the small kitchen. Marcel saw me and smiled.
"Morning bud." He greeted. I waved and scratched my head as I walked over to them. "Coffee?" I nodded as he got a mug ready for me. Craig seemed to be cooking some eggs and bacon.
"Smells good." I said.
"Thanks." Craig answered. "Where's Evan?"
"Upstairs. He's still sleeping." I told him as Marcel handed me a mug filled with coffee, I went over to the fridge and pulled out the milk. Pouring some into my mug then putting it back into the fridge. I took a sip from my mug as I felt the hot liquid pour down my throat as I swallowed. 
"Lui and David went for a walk earlier this morning." Marcel said. "Don't know about Mark and Jack."
"Or Brock and Brian." Craig perked in. "Maybe they're a thing~" We burst into a fit of laughter knowing how they look at each other.
"That'll happen in a hundred years." I chuckled. "Brock is too shy to tell feelings like that, and Brian is a pussy." Marcel and Craig nodded.
"Why don't you go find them all," Craig suggested. "breakfast is almost ready." I nodded and placed my mug down. I went to the sliding glass door and opened it, closing it behind me.
"Hmm, I don't want to go far." I said to myself and smirked. "PUNCAKE!" I yelled out cupping my hands around my mouth. Soon I heard running and saw David panting.
"HELL YEAH!" He yelled. I chuckled seeing Lui quickly following behind.
"Fuck you! You left me behind!" He squeaked. David looked at him and smiled, picking him up. "Hey!"
"Sworry, I didn't mean to." David said so childish as he kissed Lui on the cheek. I turned and opened the sliding door as they followed behind me. I soon see Mark walk down rubbing his eye lazily as Jack follows with a pillow in his arms.
"Hey you guys are up." Marcel chirped. Mark groaned and sat down on the couch along with Jack leaning onto him.
"Tyler..." I heard a familiar sleepy voice. I turned and Saw Evan standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Mm, hug..." he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "So warm..." I blushed and smiled.
"You need to go to bed earlier." I told him.
"Shut up, so do you." He mumbled sleepily. I pet his head moving his bangs back to show his forehead, and sleepy eyes.
"Now kiss!" David told us. Lui brought a hand over his mouth and smiled.
"Stop being idiots and get your breakfast." Craig announced.
"Wait, Brock and Brian aren't here yet." I noticed.
"They're fucking." Evan said. "Don't mind them." I chuckled and picked Evan up bridal style.
"Yeah you still need rest." I said to him as he closed his eyes. "Don't worry princess, I'll save you from this hell." He giggled and opened one eye, looking up at me.
"Don't mind is, I'm just gonna pass you guys." I told them all. "I'm saving the princess Evan. Back away he needs to be put back in his bed." I began to walk up the stairs.
"You mean our bed." He corrected. I shushed him as I made it to our room. I walked in seeing the door wide open. I placed Evan down on the bed slowly, and pulled the covers over him.
"Now go back to sleep." I said as I kissed his forehead. He smiled and nodded, closing his eyes and falling back asleep.
I walked over to my suitcase and took out a pair of shorts, and a t-shirt that read 'Normal People Scare Me'. I took off my pajama pants and put the outfit on. I walked downstairs and put on my flip flops. I opened the sliding door and closed it behind me, not listening to the others calling for me for breakfast.
I walked down to the lake and walked along the edge. I found myself away from both of the cottages we were all staying in. I saw a large rock and sat on it, looking out at the water. Carefully rippling as frogs and toads jumped in. Tiny fish swimming around in the water, as I heard all the noises of nature.
Squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, birds, all that. I sighed and hugged my knees still looking out at the water, watching the sun rise. Making a beautiful scene of red, orange, yellow, making the water look a dark orange, pink, and purple.
I suddenly see a ghost like figure run out into the water, splashing about. It looked like a little boy. Brown un-combed hair, he was laughing. Soon another walked out into the water with him. I gasped as I saw her face. Her long hair, perfectly straight as she smiled at the boy.
I geared up as I realized who they were. And why I'm seeing this.
I rubbed my eyes and saw them no more.
"C'mon Tyler, daddy's waiting for us." I heard her voice. Ghost like and fading away.
"Mom..." I whispered. I heard footsteps and saw Evan walking towards me. I wiped my tears away as he came and sat beside me.
"Craig told me where you were." He told me. "I saw you crying."
"I-It's nothing." I said.
"It is something." He snapped. I jolted back and looked at him. "What did you see? Tell me the truth Tyler." I sighed as I returned my seating position. Evan gripped the blanket that wrapped around his shoulders.
"I-I saw my...my mom." I started. "I also saw myself...when I was younger. And happier." I felt the tears run down my face, but I didn't care. Evan grabbed one of my hands and rubbed his thumb across my knuckles. "See, I...I lost my mom at seven. I was seven years old when she died. It was my birthday, and dad told me that she had to...to go to the hospital the other night. Told me what was wrong, and...and as we went in to see her, they told us...t-they told us...s-she was..." Evan shushed me as he saw my tears become almost a river.

Evan's POV
I saw how red Tyler's face became talking about his mom. His eyes became red and puffy, as he cried more and more. His cheeks were tear stained, and his breath became shaky.
"It's alright." I told him. "You can let it out."
"I-I've never c-celebrated my birthday e-ever since." He shakily said. He covered his mouth as he cried, and small sounds of whimpering escaped. I let go of my blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders, and brought him in for a hug.
"Your worried about losing me," I said quietly. "aren't you?" I felt him nod, as he buried his face into the crook of my neck. I rubbed his back and sang him a song softly.

The Pole Dancer (Vancat) *remake*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें