Marcel's Boy Crush

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Tyler's POV
I parked my car and took out the keys, then ran into work.
"Your late, Mr Wilde." My boss said.
"Yes, I know." I hung my head. "It-It won't happen again."
"Tyler. This is the fourth time." He told me. "One last time, and your out." I nodded and went to my station. I worked at an engineering company (Sorry if I seem to steal a job idea, but I couldn't think of anything else) my boss has given me many chances. More than the last few.
"Hey Tyler." My friend Scotty called.
"Sup Scott." I greeted. "Boss laid me off again."
"Again!? He doesn't do that for us, it's usually a punishment." Scotty laughed. "Like he gives us a whole day to work on a project."
"Yeah, yeah Anthony told me all about it." I chuckled.
"Yo Tyler!" Smitty yelled. Shit.
"Yes Smitty?" I asked turning to face him as he marched up to me.
"Your late! I needed you!" He shouted at me.
"Jeez, sorry. It was Kelly's fault." I told him. "I just dealt with a break up yesterday."
"Ugh, another one?" He groaned. "Just c'mon." He grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him to an engine. "I need you to fix this, I can't cause I'm not that good with fixing engines." I nodded and got out my toolbox and began working on it, while Smitty went off.
Marcel's POV
I started texting the guy I got along with. He still hasn't told me his real name yet. But it's fun talking with him.
I had just gotten home when all of a sudden when I turned the lights on, there he was.
Standing in the light, smiling, holding his hands behind his back.
"Hey Marcy." He sang.
"M-Mini? How'd you get in my house?" I asked. He showed my a small key and jangled it around a bit.
"Key under a rock." He told me.
"Shit. My sister." I whispered to myself. His smile widened and he walked closer to me. I closed the front door and looked at him.
"Marcel. We've been talking for...months now." He told me. "Maybe it's time for us normally." I nodded and we went over to the couch. We sat down and his cheeks were tinted pink.
"So, you came here just to talk?" I asked. He nodded and looked at me.
"My names Craig." My mouth fell a gap. "Craig Thompson." He finally told me his name.
"Craig?" I knew that name. From...from highschool. "Craig Thompson! I knew you in highschool!" He nodded and he grinned a toothy grin.
"You knew?" I asked.
"Yes, that's why I wanted to know you better." He told me. "I had a crush on you in highschool but I never got to tell you, because I was too chicken." I walked up to him and gave him a big hug.
"So did I." I whispered to him. "I was also too chicken." We giggled and then he hugged me tightly. We stayed like this for like I don't know, five minutes until we looked at each other.
Then I just...kissed him. My body moved on its own, and just kissed him.
His soft, lips were a blast. I've wanted to kiss them since highschool. We pulled away and I stared at his longingly hazel green eyes.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." I chuckled.
"Me neither." He smiled.

Tyler's POV
I sighed after I finished the engine. Wiping off my forehead.
"Go take a shower, oil man." Anthony said behind me.
"Fuck off." I chuckled and faced him. "Hows it going man?"
"Eh, pretty good." He shrugged. "Smitty told me about your break up. Becky?" I nodded and wiped my hands with a cloth.
"She cheated on me anyway." I said. "But Kelly made me feel better. Told me that I should try dating guys."
"Oh hey, I'm single." Anthony laughed. "I'm kidding." I rolled my eyes, and went towards the showers.
"ANTHONY!" We both heard Smitty yell. I laughed as Anthony's eyes widened then he ran off. I got undressed in the shower grabbed a towel then went into a shower cubicle. I turned the shower on and started washing my face, arms, hands, and legs mostly. 
I just couldn't stop thinking about that Asian man I bumped into. He just looked so cute. He wouldn't leave my head.

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