Camping Trip?

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(Yes this is happening, yet again. But different)

Evan's POV
It's been a couple months since I met everyone. By everyone I mean, David, Lui, Marcel, Craig, Brian, Luke, Anthony, Smitty, Scotty, Dan, and Phil. They're really funny. Tyler showed me video games, and it seems I'm better, but he keeps calling me a cheater or a fucking bitch. I'd laugh, and Tyler would rage very badly. Sometimes I'd bring my laptop over to play GMod with the guys, or MineCraft, or other games.
Tyler even taught me how to go on a date. He was actually very good, told me important things, and I wrote some shit down. For some random fucking reason.
Soon enough my door burst open and there stood Jack, Mark, Brock, Jon, Bryce and Ohm. Jonathan was another waiter at the club (Couldn't think of a name.), Ohm or Ryan is another dancer like me.
"Let's go camping bitch!" Jon yelled.
"Well technically we're going to a cottage." Bryce, aka Jon's boyfriend, corrected him.
"Whatever, it's still camping if you make s'mores over a campfire outside, are in a forest, maybe near a lake, and go fucking nuts!" Jon listed. I facepalmed and laughed.
"You fucking idiot." I chuckled.
"Shut the hell up." He told me. "But Tyler's gonna be there~" I blushed, and looked away.
"Fine, I'll go." I mumbled. I went upstairs and packed a few things, "how long are we staying?"
"A week." Brock told me as he walked into my room. I nodded and brought out a suitcase, I packed some clothes for the week, a few books, my swim trunks, my notepad, a pencil, and my laptop. I grabbed my phone, and some headphones and put them in my pocket.
"C'mon lets get going." Jon whined. I rolled my eyes as I took my suitcase down the stairs along with Brock following.
"Oh wait!" I said and ran back up leaving my suitcase downstairs. I ran into the bathroom, and grabbed a few essentials. Running back down I quickly packed them in my suitcase and we were off.

We made small groups after we all met up. Brian, Luke, David, and Mark are driving. So four groups of us. Tyler, Dan, Brock, and me were going with Brian. Jack, Ryan, Jon, Bryce, were going with Mark. Anthony, Lui, and Phil are going with David. Then Craig, Marcel, and Felix are going with Luke. (If I didn't get everybody. Sorry.) But Kelly couldn't come, she got called for work. Since she got a week off beforehand, she had to work this whole week.
Kelly: Have fun~! If you and Tyler are not a thing by the end of the week, I'm going to make sure you go on a date when you get back. Kay love you bye!
That was her last text before she left for work. I'm now scared about her right now. I packed my suitcase in the back of Brian's car then got into the back with Tyler beside me. Dan got the middle to himself, he actually made sure he got it to himself...well sort of. I wanted to be beside Tyler, and Brock wanted to be in the front with Brian.
I put my seatbelt on and brought out my phone and headphones. Plugging in my headphones and playing some good music for the long drive.
I looked out the window waiting for this drive to start. I saw Dan lounge in the middle seat to himself. He pulled his hoodie over his head and put his headphones in, probably listening to his emo music.
It seemed Brock and Brian were talking a lot during the ride. I sometimes would glance at Tyler only to see him either napping or looking out the window longingly.

Tyler's POV
I would see Evan glance at me sometimes, well...not when I'm napping. But I feel like this will be a great opportunity to get closer to Evan.
Maybe he might room with me, no. Bad Tyler! Don't think that, there's only a few rooms, so he might choose someone else. Like Brock, and I might go with Brian. Just don't think about it too much, you'll hurt your brain.
Soon enough I was asleep again. Staring out that window gives you a real workout for the eyes. I just...couldn't stop thinking about my mom.
I couldn't tell Evan about her. That's one thing I can't tell him about, it'll break me too much. But...Evan's parents suffered so much. So did he. I may tell him later on.

Brian's POV
I've actually liked talking with Brock. He's funny, and adorable. I looked back and saw Evan staring out the window. Must be bored. Looks like Tyler's sleeping, and Dan's just laying there listening to music.
"Pretty quiet in here." Brock pointed out. "Ev seems to like Tyler. A lot." I looked back at the road and nodded.
"Same with Tyler." I laughed. "He won't stop talking about him."
"Well, how about getting them together?" Brock smirked evilly. I nodded and we both planned the rest of the way there.

We had finally made it to the cottage we were staying at. It looked amazing, it was so big! Perfect for all of us. Well, some of us had to go to another cottage. Good thing is they're right beside us. I stretched as I hopped out of my car.
"Ah! Look at this, it's so beautiful." Jack commented.
"Just like you." Mark kissed his cheek and picked him up. Jack giggled as I rolled my eyes at their lovable relationship. Tyler yawned as he walked over to us. His hair was a mess, he was drooling a bit.
"Ty, your drooling." Evan told him. He looked tired as well, guess he didn't get enough sleep. Tyler wiped away the drool that was going down his chin from his mouth. Evan rubbed his eye sleepily and swayed a bit.
"Hey Tyler, why don't you take Evan to your room?" I asked nudging Brock a bit.
"Yeah He seems tired, and we need to be in pairs." Brock continued. "You two can be a pair. We'll take your stuff up to your room later." Tyler nodded and helped Evan up the steps to the cottage. They soon went inside, and turned on the lights.
"Alright everybody." I shouted a little loudly. So I quieted my voice a bit. "Brock and I have a plan to get Tyler and Evan together this week. So, any time you can, try and get them to flirt or something." They all smirked and nodded.
We had agreed to all help out to try and get them together. It seemed to be working. But tonight, I have something planned. Let's see if they can survive my Dirty Truth or Dare.

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