Chapter 7

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Camila's POV*

The bell rang signalling that we had to make our way to class, honestly I am just excited that today the girls and I all have chorus first period together.

We made our way down to the auditorium to wait for our teacher, sitting in the rows together with Dinah on my Right, then Lauren Normani and Ally.

I was at the end of the row because I don't like sitting next to people, I am kind of socially awkward.

The teacher came to the front of the class room, ready to start her lesson.

"Good Morning Students" The teacher greeted.

"You're not our usual teacher" a boy from the back called out.

"You're very right, well done" she complimented.

"My name is Mrs.Gomez, you's probably know my because of my girlfriend" she introduced.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE DATING DEMI LOVATO" I screamed in excitement, kind of forgetting that we were in a social situation and suddenly everybody had their eyes on me.

Fuck, what did I do now the attention is on me.

Thankfully, the teacher just laughed it off as if it was expected.

"Yes, I am dating Demi Lovato, are you guys fans?" she questioned.

The class murmured yes's whilst others were a little bit louder with their response.

Class went on great, us just getting to know the teacher and for her to get to know us, she said next time we have her which is tomorrow we will have a in school assignment.

Now I have English with Mr.Cowell, I have it with Ally.

We made our way over to our English class and took our seats patiently waiting for the teacher to turn up, majority of these teacher are late what the fuck.

"So, you and Laur huh?" Ally whispered to me, with a slight smirk grazing her lips.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" I played dumb.

"Stop playing stupid Mila, you even admitted it to Dina-" she was cut short due to the teacher walking into the classroom.

"Don't think this is over, Karla Camila" She whispered.

I shot her a glare for using my real name, it makes me cringe every single time someone says it, even when I asked Lauren to be my girlfriend.

The teacher started class, beginning with the usual 'how are you, I'm good" rant and then telling us his life story.

"Alright class listen up, we're doing a partner assigned project, so listen for your pair" he spoke.

"Styles, Tomlinson"

"West, Edwards"

he went on, I didn't really pay attention until I heard my name being called.

"Cabello, Mahone"

Mahone? Who is Mahone?

"Sir, it's CabeYO" I pointed out.

"Sorry Miss CabeYO" he emphasised.

What a fucking dick.

I was pondering in my own thoughts but was broken away abruptly my the movements of the class and someone sitting beside me.

"Hi, I am Austin Mahone, but you can call me your dream guy" okay seriously who the fuck are you.

"Nice try, I'm Camila Cabello" I introduced myself, not looking up from my paper to look at him.

"Alright class, the project is to get to know each other, anything you would like, get to it" The teacher spoke out.

"So anyone in your love life at the moment" Austin asked wriggling his eyebrows with a smirk on his lips.

"Yes, actually, not you" I quickly corrected when I saw his eyes light up, smiling smugly.

"Ditch the guy, trust me I can pleasure you in was he can't, I bet he's a jerk off anyway"

"Austin, all you're going to be doing is jerking off, you have no chance so please."

The class went on and soon it was time for lunch, considering we had a double period.

Ally & I made our way to the cafeteria to find Normani, Lauren and Dinah sitting there engaged in conversation.

"Look Mila, all I'm asking for is a chance" Austin spoke, he's been fucking following me and he won't take a hint.

Lauren, Dinah and Normani looked up from the table to see what was going on as we walked over.

"Not interested Austin" I told him, clearly unimpressed.

Lauren stood up from the table and walked over to me, putting an arm around my waist, giving me a light peck on the lips.

"Hey babe, what's wrong" Lauren asked.

"Oh, you're a fag" Austin whispered "Don't worry, I'll change that" he stated with a smirk on his face and thrusting his hips.

"Listen you little fuck, you and your two centimetre dick will not be going anywhere near my girlfriend, if I hear that you've spoken to her again after this, there will be fucking trouble" Lauren spoke, fuming.

"Hahaha, whatever Jauregay" Austin spoke leaving to go to his table.

The rest of lunch went relatively well and now it's the end of the day, I'm currently at my locker putting my books from my math class in when I felt tap on my shoulder.

"Hi Baby" the green eyed goddess greeted.

"Hi" I whispered, throwing my arms around her neck biting my lip.

"Don't do that, it's rude" Lauren stated.

"Do what?" I asked clearly confused.

"Bite your lip, it makes it hard for me not to kiss you" Lauren replied bluntly, I bit my lip again causing Lauren to take it between here and suck softly for a second before pulling away.

"Babe, Austins starting at you" I whispered to her.

"Let's give him a show?" she questioned, I gave her a little nod before she smashed our lips together.

Our lips moulded together in perfect sync, suddenly effect tongue slipped into my mouth causing my to gasp and her to push it further into my mouth.

My hands left her neck and made their way to her side as hers cupped my face, my hands slowly made their way down her back to cup her perfect ass in my hands, giving it a little squeeze pushing her further into me causing us to moan in unison.

She pushed my back into the locker as she put her legs behind my thighs.

"Jump" she whispered against my lips.

I did as I was told and wrapped my legs around her hips, still making out not even removing our lips for a second.

"Umm, should we come back another time" I heard the sound of Normani's voice, although it sounded unsure you could practically hear her smiling.

Lauren and I pulled our mouths away from each other but remained in our positions of my pushed against the locker.

"Austins still looking babe" I whispered to her.

I slid my hands around her waist to her ass to give it a squeeze as she whimpered out loud, I gave her a quick peck and looked over to see Austins jaw basically on the ground.

We made eye contact and I simply shrugged my shoulders.

"Mila, I thought you had no idea what I was talking about" Ally smirked.

"I don't" I said entwining my hands with Lauren's making our way down the hall, and into the parking lot.

She just groaned causing me to chuckle.

Lauren Jauregui, is mine.


A/N: sorry for a short chapter, just a filler 😍😘❤️😅💕☺️🌞

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