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Still Laurens POV*

Who is that girl, I gave her the once-over starting from her long, tanned legs, going up to her beautiful curved hips with her luscious long brown locks that reach the perfect curves and all the way upto the most stunning face I have ever seen, she has the most mesmerizing brown eyes, we made eye contact and she gave me a shy smile.

"Normani, WHO THE FUCK IS THAT" I whisper/shouted

"Come over and meet her" Normani replied, giving me a wink.

We made our way over towards my other bestfriend and the two mystery girls.

"Lauren, this is my cousin Camila, she just transferred here from California with her bestfriend Dinah over here" Ally said, using her hands to gesture to the girls who I now know as Camila and Dinah.

Camila, what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, is it even legal for someone to look that good?

"I'm Camila, Camila Cabello, nice to meet you Lauren, Ally has told me a lot about you" Camila shyly but gently said extending her hand for me to shake.

"I'm Lauren, Lauren Jauregui, nice to meet you as well Camila" I reciprocated her kind gesture of shaking hands.

"Yo pero like your eyes dawg" Dinah said closely examining my eyes.

I just chucked in response muttering a thank you, I don't know what happened to my tough exterior but this girl is actually making me nervous.

"Guys lets compare schedules" Ally shrieked in excitement.

We exchanged schedules, and ironically enough we all have classes together, thank the lord.


We made our way to classes and first I had English with Mr.Cowell, that fucking basted is so moody I swear omg.

We made our way into the classroom and Normani an I took a seat next to eachother, the teacher seemed to be running a little bit late so the class was just having their little conversations.

"Mani, did you know about this?" I questioned, giving my bestfriend a light glare.

"Know about what" she played the innocent card, oh no she didn't.

"You know what I am talking about Normani, how do you know Camila and how come I didn't know that she was Ally's cousin and you did?"

"Well, you decided to be a anti-social hermit crab and not do anything with anyone, during break Ally introduced me to Dinah and Camila and told me that they were moving here" Normani explained answering my questions.

Mr.Cowell walked in 5 minutes later to start class, leaving me just drawing and writing notes in my books as usual.

Soon, Lunch rolled around and we all met up in the cafeteria, as we decided it would be a good time to get to know eachother.

"So Mila, why'd you move here?" Normani asked Camila.

"Mine and Dinah's mom's got promotions for their jobs out here in Miami, so here we are" Camila replied.

I found myself chuckling, I wouldn't of thought she would be a 'Mila', I thought she'd be more of a Camz...

"Something funny Jauregui?" Camila questioned playfully, raising an eyebrow at me as my heart was doing fucking backflips and shit.

"I wouldn't of thought of you as a Mila, I thought you would be a Camz" I casually replied, not bothering to make eye contact.

15 minutes into Lunch, the schools head bitch decided to make an appearance at our lunch table.

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