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Camila's POV*

It's currently Thursday, almost a week since my date with Lauren and I've never been happier, we've been hanging out everyday at lunch at school, texting and facetiming non-stop and it's fair to say that I am developing feelings for her, we don't kiss or do any of that stuff but we still flirt playfully alot.
As for Dinah and Normani, Dinah grew a pair and asked Normani to be her girlfriend on Tuesday and of course, Normani said yes.
I've learned a lot about Lauren, I learned that she isn't actually a bitch like everyone at the school says, sure she is super sassy and is still a bad ass, which mind you I find extremely sexy but she has a great personality, she is extreamly hilarious and down-to earth which is absolutely amazing.
She would call me at night and we'd just sit there for hours and talk about everything and everything, she has the most gorgeous mind and the way her brain works amazes me, I didn't know someone so perfect existed.
She makes me really happy and I want to be with her, but I really don't want things to move to fast and us get together without really knowing eachother, but that seems like I am throwing shade at Normani and Dinah, which isn't true because like they knew eachother through Ally for a while as well, I only just met Lauren.
Anyway, we're currently in the cafeteria at our usual lunch table, just talking about everything and everything.
Suddenly I feel a soft hand on my thigh, I look down to the hand and follow it up until I see Lauren's immaculate face, staring forward deep in conversation.
I put my hand over hers and caress the back of her hand with my thumb, she looked down to me and gave me a smile which I reciprocated.
"OH MY FUCKING BEYONCE CAMREN" Dinah whisper/shouted under her breath.
"Dmac, fucking find your chill" Lauren sassed.
"Lolo! be nice" I scowled.
"Gee, sorry"
I leaned into her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and then the bell rang and we all went to chorus.

Our chorus teacher is really nice and talented, she still hasn't introduced herself to us yet.
"Good Morning Children" She giggled "My name is Mrs.Lovato" she introduced herself to us, writing her name 'Mrs.Lovato' on the white board at the top of the auditorium.
"OoOOoOooOoOh, "Mrsss.Lovato aye, who's the lucky one?" some kid from the back called out.
Mrs.Lovato just chuckled looking down to her ring finger eyeing it closely, slightly blushing before replying;
"My lovely wife, Selena Lovato-Gomez" She gushed, god this is actually so cute watching how childish she looks.
"Enough about my life though, I want to see your abilities, we're going to get straight into a task" she announced.
Loud groans were heard from the class, including the girls as I just sat there paying attention as she intrigued me, I love chorus and this teacher seems really nice.
"Stop groaning, it's a fun project. Y'all will get into groups of five and you'll have 2 weeks to choose a song to preform in front of the class, this is so I can see how you's work in groups, these will be your groups until the end of the year, so pick wisely" Mrs.Lovato announced and I saw the girls faces light up as I turned around to face them, smirking at them whilst wiggling my eyebrows up and down signalling that we'll be a group.
"Yas girl, we can be called Dinah-Jane and the dawgs" Dinah shrieked in excitement.
"Oh my god no thank you,  I will not be known as Dinah-Janes 'dawg" Ally spoke up as we all laughed at Dinah's ridiculousness.
"Wait, wait, there is five of us right?" Normani asked.
"Last time I checked yeah" Lauren sassed, earning a playful slap on her leg from me, and I turned in my spot putting my legs over hers so my calves were over her thighs.
"Fifth Harmony, get it, because there is five of us and we have to harmonize" Normani replied back, almost over-flowing in excitement.
"OH MY GOD THAT'S GREAT BABE" Dinah yelled again, causing everyone to look over, Dinah just shrugged them off as she gave Normani a peck on the lips which caused Mrs.Lovato to smile.
I looked up to Lauren and she smiled at me and nodded.
"Okay Fifth Harmony it is" Ally agreed for us.

Class went by really fast, we have a list of 5 songs that we have to chose from, we all had our input and we soon have to decide what we want to sing.
Lauren chose Lana Del Ray- American, which wasn't a bad idea.
Ally chose Justin Timberlake- Mirrors, which I think would be good, only if we had a male.
Normani chose Beyonce- Pretty Hurts, I didn't want to do that song because it's sad.
Dinah was joking around and chose Beyonce- Flawless, which we all said we couldnt do because it's not even a singing song.
Finally it was my choice, and I suggested Ed Sheeran- Lego House and they all agreed and praised me, Lauren even gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Yo Dawgs, when are you going to start dating" Dinah groaned.
"When I am ready to ask her" Lauren stated causing Dinah and I to groan playfully.
Lauren just looked at me and chuckled placing a kiss on my forehead.
I know I said I don't want to move to fast, but if she was to ask me to be her girlfriend anytime soon, I wouldn't even hesitate to say yes, I really like her, like a lot.

The bell finally rang and we all went out to the parking lot and sat on the hood of Normani's car and in the back of Dinah's truck considering they were facing like that, we do this everyday and just sit there and hang out.
"Camzi, come to mine tonight" Lauren whispered into my ear.
"Okay, I'll just come straight there"
Lauren's been picking me up every  morning to go to school, so I would just go straight back to hers.

Now Lauren and I are cuddled up on her bed, just watching an episode of Orange Is The New Black, ohmygod so many lesbian sex scenes.
I turned up to look at Lauren as she has her arm around my shoulder, she looked down and I leaned up closing the gap between us, finally capturing her lips for the first time since our date, our lips moved in a perfect sync and my her tongue grazed over my bottom lip asking for access, which I obviously granted.
I rolled on top of her and straddled her not breaking the heated make-out session, our tongues were battling for dominance and I moved my hands to cup her cheeks as her hands moved down my back to the back pocket of my blue jeans, groping my ass causing me to gasp.
She took the advantage and shoved her tounge further in my mouth to regain dominance, they fought for dominance for a little while longer until she won and slowed down the kiss, leaving the kiss to end with me still straddling her, her hands still in my back pockets.
"Camila Cabello, damn"
"Lauren Jauregui" I smirked up at her.
"Camila, will you be my girlfriend"
Instead of answering her straight away I leaned down so our lips were just grazing eachother.
"Yes" I breathed out whilst capturing her bottom lip between mine, sucking on it slowly then nibbling on it causing her to moan and me to giggle.
I pulled away and sat on her hips and slowly rolled to the side to cuddle up next to her, going to sleep next my my amazing immaculate girlfriend.

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