Light and Dark

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There is no point in light
That doesn't shine through darkness

For the world is a very dark place
And it needs stars to light up the night

They say without dark there can be no light
But I believe without light there can be no darkness

Cause without light we the world would be consumed
By evils that lurk where we cannot see

Without light there's no point in living
Even the ones who thrive in darkness know this

Darkness has no effect on darkness
It needs light to grow, deplete and devour

And when the last light burns up
When it can no longer fight and goes out, hope is lost

Right now, at this very moment
many lights are going out, fading into the sea of darkness

But many lights still flicker, for nothing is perfect
Flickering and blacking out and coming back weaker than before

More and more lights are pulled into the tide all the time
So the real question is, are you are in the wave of darkness or are you a light lost at sea

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