Chapter 3 - 𝐇𝐈𝐒

Start from the beginning


My mom was quiet during breakfast. I know she doesn't like leaving me all alone.

We're leaving the house at 7:25AM which is a little too soon because school starts at 8AM.

During the ride we're all laughing super hard. I don't even know who started it, all I know is that someone said something funny and then it made all of us laugh.

The ride is about 10 minutes long, so sadly, our moment didn't last long.

Both of my parents kiss me on the cheek and say goodbye. Every time when they're about leave, I want to cry but I don't want them to feel bad or anything.

So I suck it up and smile at them as we say our goodbyes.

I watch them drive away with the well known, sad feeling in my heart.

After 2 minutes of staring at the way my parents drove away, I take a deep breath and turn around to face the school.

I look at my watch. I still have 23 minutes.

My first period is English. Okay, I love English. That is actually a good start of today's school.

Since I still have time, I decided to go to the school Café. It's a small shop that sells amazing cupcakes and even better coffee.

When I arrive, I'm greeted by a lady who I'm guessing is probably around my mom's age.

I order large black coffee and one strawberry cupcake. It didn't take more than 3 minutes and my order was ready.

I sit at the table for one and because it's really quiet here I pull out the book I took with me this morning and start reading.

Time flew by quicker than I expected and suddenly I only had 6 minutes. I take my book and my half full coffee and head to school.

I make it to class without any problems. I sit in the back, but immediately start regretting my decision.

There are four guys from school's football team. And they're talking. Loud and inappropriate things.

I roll my eyes when I hear one of the boys say 'pussy', while talking about some girl from school. So very gentleman-like of them.

They must have noticed my presence because they went quiet.

I see one empty seat in the front so I quickly stand up and try to make my way to the spot but suddenly someone grabbed my wrist.

I look at the boy who was holding my wrist. He has blue eyes, dark blonde hair and a muscular body.

I know him. His name is Josh, I think. I know he dated Jessica last year but that's all I know about him.

He pulled me closer and now I can feel his breath on my face. My breath hitches and I start getting uncomfortable.

"Whoa, where are you going, beautiful?" He asks while smirking at me.

"I want to go to t-the front seat because if I sit here, I won't h-hear the teacher properly." I hate that I stuttered in front of him.

All of the guys start to laugh and the one who's holding me starts to move his other hand down from my back to my.. butt?

What is he doing? I want to scream.

The bell rings and Mrs. Kelly walks into the classroom.

A wave of relief spreads through my body and I carefully back away from the guy who was still holding me.

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