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Ty's pov
Ten and my other friends left a while ago. I was thankful for them because they would always protect and accompany me when some hurt or when i'm sad but still the pain won't abide it's currently almost 2am here and Jaehyun has not yet come home i was worried even though i knew that i shouldn't be. 'what right do you have to make him come home at a certain time he's not even yours and will never ever be again'. My mind kept telling me this over and over again and i could't sleep AT ALL. Ten and i planned to go shopping tomorrow so i could forget all my problems for a day since he knows how i love shopping but knowing ten i would be dragged two laps and back around the whole mall so i told myself to just forget it and Jaehyun might just be still working so i finally closed my eyes but as i was almost asleep i heard the front door open and i knew exactly it was Jaehyun. So i just pretended to sleep until he reached the bedroom i squinted and luckily enough he couldn't notice. I was a little bit hurt because he couldn't even take a second to look at me to look if i was covered with a blanket,if i was freezing. But you know sometimes i just had to do it my own. Speaking of cold i was freezing like literally freezing to death even though i was already covered with a very thick blanket and a jacket underneath. But i just couldn't figure out the reason why.
Few days later......
I woke up without a person beside me which i was used to it he's been doing it for a few days now and to be honest i haven't seen his face for almost 4 days now. I was still Freezing so i turned the heater on very high. My whole body hurted aswell.but i just put all that aside and thought that pain killers would just kill it off. Until i was cooking i felt the whole world started spinning so i turned the stove off even though the food wasn't ready and ran to the bathroom since i felt like i would puke. And i did A LOT so i tried calling Ten but no one picked up i thought of calling Jaehyun but i thought Jaehyun was probably still acting right now so what's the use?. So i just clicked the first person in my contacts and it was Lucas it rang for a few seconds and but it still got picked up. "Hyung-ah do you need anything?" "Lucas-ah can you pick me u-" i got cut off because i felt puke comming up my throat "hyung are you puking? Im comming"
Lucas' pov
I was out buying Jaehyun and i some snacks since he was on break and was probably flirting with Jungwoo until i heard my phone ringing i stopped and answered it since i saw that it was taeyong hyung. So i asked hyung if he needed anything because i thought he was probably just finding Jaehyun but once he said something and got cut off by puke as i heard him feeling weak. after that he couldn't talk anymore so i knew exactly what to do so i left my cart and ran as fast as i could to the car and drove as fast as i could as well. Once i arrived i found taeyong hyung lying in the bathroom near the toilet i picked him up(bridal style) and carried him to the car. He was half aware and half not of his surroundings. While i was carrying him i felt how hot he was he was literally Burning. Once we reached the hospital i called ten and told him to come here.
also wait for the plot twist it comming😜

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