11. Not fitted well

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17th week/ 5th month

"Sing... Sing..." Krist screamed while holding the door of his wadrobe.

"Yah..." Singto replied from the restroom.

"Come here quickly" Krist replied annoyingly.

"I putted soap on my whole body. Just wait a minute."

"No I can't wait. Come quickly." Krist screamed.

"Ohooo! What happen?" Singto replied while opened his one eye because his face was covered with foam so he was can't able to open his both eyes on that time.

"You will come here or not?" Krist asked angryly.

"Yah! Yah! I'm coming." Singto replied while quickly wipen his body.

Then Singto hurridly wore his bathrobe and went to his sulking wife.

"Now, Tell me what happen Kit?" Singto stood in front of Krist where he was stood while holding the door of wadrobe.

Then Krist shown him on bed. On bed all over Krist's clothes spreaded. Singto widen his eyes and stared at Krist while zipping his mouth. Because on that time he knows that if he want to suggest something to his sulking wife. Then it will be not good for him. So he was just quietly staring at his wife and waited to hear something from Kit.

Krist started "All clothes of my which before getting well fitted on me is now not fitted at all. Whatever I weared. It looking weird on me. My fauvorite clothes which I wanted to wear them. But when I weared them. It look so awkward on me." While saying that Krist throwing one by one his clothes from the wadrobe on the bed.

So that's why, on the bed there was huge hip of clothes maded.

All that happened with Krist because his tiny growing belly now shown up above his clothes.

Krist was wearing his baby pink colour t-shirt and above his t-shirt, his growing small baby bump shown. So he shown that to Singto and said "See! I am looking so weird while wearing this. Earlier it fitted so well on me. But now see!" While saying that his lips became pouted.

It's a normal thing for pregnant person. But due to changes and imbalance of hormones Krist get become annoying in these days.

And today Singto said him to go for shopping. Because he already knew that for his wife, in further days he will need larger size of clothes than now. But when Krist was going to be ready. Then it did happen with Krist.

Singto was already facen up so much annoyingness of his wife. Such as...

Flash back

"Sing I want Cucumber-parsley juice."

'Sure hon! I'll make it. Just give me 2 min.'

'Kit... here is your juice..'

"Hmmm.... yummm....." Krist sipped while sat on bed.

After 5 min.

"Sing I am starving. Please cook something spicy for me."

'Okay babe! I'll make your fauvorite grilled chicken with lots of chillies.'

"Yah! Yah! With lots of chilly. I love that." Krist said that while licking his lower lip because of craving for that dish.

After having one bite of grilled chicken. Krist made that voice"Hmm...." while closing his eyes "it's so yummy Singto."

Singto barely smiled after hearing satisfied voice from his hungry wife due to tierdness of all the time making dishes for his starving wife.

After half an hour

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