Twenty One

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"What the hell is this?" Fun Ghoul asked, lowering his weapon as he stepped into the hall.

"Keep alert." Gerard snapped, though he was thinking the same thing. Where was the Game Master? Why was he dragging this on?

Ryan pointed down the hall. "It curves." He said, "Don't call it clear yet."

Fun Ghoul stepped forward again. He was now watching the curve in the hall. Ryan and Rebel stepped forward, out of the stairwell, standing on either side of Gerard.


Everyone spun around as the stairwell door slammed right on Demonic Devotee. Several thuds followed, as if the force of the door had sent him flying down the stairs.

"Demonic!" Ryan yelled, rushing to the door. He yanked the handle, but nothing moved. He yelled out the killjoy's name again, pounding on the door.

"He's going to get us caught!" Rebel squeaked, looking back at the curve nervously.

Gerard rushed forward. He wrapped his arms around Ryan's torso and pulled him back from the door.

"No!" Ryan protested, fighting against Gerard's hold. "Br-Demonic needs me!"

"It's not really Brendon." Gerard hissed into his ear, "Ryan, this is all some sick game!"

Ryan pulled free from Gerard's grip and spun around. His eyes seemed to flicker between reality and his character. His expression was confusion and hurt.

"Uh, guys!"

Gerard turned to Rebel, who was pointing at the wall behind them. He turned back around to see a red spot on the wall. It seemed to be a light that was slowly intensifying. Gerard stepped back, reaching out to pull Ryan a step forward. That spot definitely didn't look good...

"It's a trap!" Fun Ghoul yelled just as the light broke through the wall. The laser shot through the air, continuing far out the reach of the window. More spots on the wall began to illuminate before sprouting lasers as well.

"Move!" Gerard pulled Ryan beside him and pushed him ahead. His friend stumbled, but followed the order. Gerard hurried after him. He flinched at the sound of each new laser.

Fun Ghoul pulled Ryan around the corner. Rebel was racing to reach that point of safety and Gerard was right on her heels. The sounds of the lasers intensified behind them. It almost sounded like multiple were emerging at once now.

Gerard managed to quickly his pace alongside Rebel. "Come on!" He encouraged, "Just a bit further!"

She yelled something beside him that he couldn't understand. Before he could ask, she shoved him forward. He fell, hitting the ground at the curve in the hall. Fun Ghoul was quick to grab his ankle and drag him to safety.

Rebel screamed. Gerard turned to see her falling to the ground, clutching her side. "Rebel!" He kicked at Fun Ghoul's grip and began to low crawl towards her.

Above him, lasers still kept erupting from the wall. As low to the ground as he was, however, he was safe for the moment. When he reached Rebel, he brushed hair out of her face to look at her. Her expression was limp and her eyes were closed. "Rebel, hey, can you hear me?"

Her closed eyes barely cracked open. He looked down at her side, which was smoking. A deep wound had been left by the laser. It didn't bleed, but it looked like it really hurt.

"Can you stand?" Gerard asked her.

Her eyes just closed again in response.

"No, no!" Gerard felt his heart sink, "Rebel, Lin, I can't lose you too!"

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