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Gerard nervously bit the inside of his lip as Fun Ghoul drove across the desert landscape. He still didn't trust the Killjoy's driving, but he also had nerves about seeing Ryan in this world. He hoped that his answers would be wherever the brown haired boy was.

"Nearly there, my motor baby." Fun Ghoul said as he continued to drive, "How you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Ghoul." Gerard turned his head with a smile, "No complaints."

Fun Ghoul nodded, reaching out his hand to place on his inner thigh. "Not a one?" He asked, rather slyly, as he slid his hand up Gerard's thigh.

Gerard gasped as Fun Ghoul's hand placed itself over his crotch. The killjoy smirked, though he never took his eyes off of the road ahead, beginning to grab and rub his palm against Gerard's crotch. "Maybe I should get your motor started so we have to pull over and really check for a problem."

Holy shit. Gerard gulped as he felt himself become aroused. There was no way this was happening. How was this not some kind of dream? It had to be, yet it felt incredibly real.

"You still good, Party Poison?" Fun Ghoul asked, teasingly. How was he remaining so cool and focused while Gerard felt like he was melting into a puddle!?

"I-ah-ooohh..." Gerard couldn't help the moan that escaped past his lips. Fun Ghoul's fingers were now on the skin at the hem of his jeans and wiggling their way underneath. Holy shit.

"Come again?" The smirk only seemed to grow on Fun Ghoul's face.

"T-the misso-ooh my god." Gerard sucked in a breath, distracted from his thought as Fun Ghoul's fingers found their way to their mission.

Before Gerard knew what was happening, Fun Ghoul's face was right next to his. The killjoy eyed Gerard in a way that made him feel like he could burst.

"Demonic and Northern won't miss us for too long." Fun Ghoul said as he grasped Gerard's lower part fully. He used his other hand to turn Gerard's head so that they were eye to eye. "I've waited far too long to have us again after that crash."

Gerard couldn't muster words to speak. Another soft moan was all that escaped his lips before Fun Ghoul pushed their lips together and began moving his hand smoothly along Gerard's lower part.



Was that really what he should be feeling?

Gerard sat quietly, pretending to look out his window at the dimming landscape around them as Fun Ghoul slept in the seat next to him. Fun Ghoul had his wish a few hours before. The simple hand job and make out almost bloomed into Gerard getting the thing he had fantasized about for years. Almost in the sense that an alert on Fun Ghoul's wrist com sent the killjoy back into the driver's seat and speeding back through the desert.

Then why did it feel so wrong?

It didn't feel wrong. Although there was some pain when Fun Ghoul was attempting to detangle himself in order to get back to his seat, it felt so good. Yet, as they sat in a concealed location in order for Fun Ghoul to catch a few hours of rest in order to complete the journey to Demonic Devotee and Northern Downpour, there was something nagging at the back of his head.

Was it the fact that he never expected to have sex with a Frank double in the open desert in a car? Was it the fact that it actually lined up quite nicely with what his mind had always pictured? Or, was it simply because, as he said before... This was only a Frank look alike?

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