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With every step closer to Brendon's house, Gerard felt a bit better. The uneasiness that the bald man brought was becoming a distant memory. For Ryan, it had appeared to have become a distant memory even faster than it had for Gerard. The hippie themed boy had an excited look in his eye and a wide grin on his face.

"I love Brendon's parties!" Ryan exclaimed, spinning on his heel before continuing forward. "Memories tend to just pop up after you drink a little too much punch."

"I think you enjoy them too much." Gerard laughed with the raise of his brow.

Ryan turned to Gerard, wiggling his eyebrows before looking back ahead.

"Dude!" Gerard held his side as he laughed. Ryan just ran ahead with laughter of his own.

They were only a few houses away from Brendon's, as evidenced by the flashing lights peaking through the curtained windows of a two story, pale blue house. Gerard picked up his pace in order to catch up to Ryan, holding his binder close to his chest. Once caught up to Ryan, he let his pace slow. He grinned at his friend as he pushed strands of his red hair out of his face.

"Eager, much?" Gerard asked.

Ryan looked down with a shrug. "It's our last one..." He spoke softly as they walked up the house's driveway, "Maybe..."

Before Ryan could finish, the front door of the house was thrown open. Breezy was rushing out of the house with screaming giggles as Dallon chased after her. He was armed with a large super soaker, wearing nothing but a pair of faded, floral shorts and a tie around his head like a bandana.

They had run around the front of the house by the time Brendon appeared in the doorway. He was stripped down to a pair of black underwear that didn't leave much to the imagination and a flashing pair of shutter shades over his eyes. He was looking around wildly, but froze when he caught sight of Gerard and Ryan. A wide smile spread across his face.

"Y'all made it!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. He ran over, quickly engulfing Ryan in a hug.

Gerard bit his lip to hold back giggles. Ryan had visibly stiffened. How he had managed to move enough to hold Brendon back was an absolute mystery.

"You guys make everybody!" Brendon cheered as he released Ryan and moved to hug Gerard, "Well, except Jon and Spencer, but they had a thing." He pulled out of the hug with a wink, "If ya know what I mean."


As a voice screamed his name, Brendon's eyes grew larger than saucers behind his flashing shades. "Gotta go!" He spun on his heel, rushing back towards the house. "Come on in!" He added with a yell before vanishing.

Gerard stepped forward a few steps before turning to grin at Ryan. The brown eyed boy had cheeks as red as Gerard's hair and eyes wider than Brendon's had been. He was frozen, looking towards the space where Brendon had disappeared.

"You okay there?" Gerard asked with amusement.

Ryan's eyes snapped over to Gerard. "I need to get to the punch." He responded with the shake of his head.

Gerard laughed as he and Ryan started forward towards the open door of the house. A song with an energetic beat was playing as they stepped over the threshold. Fairy lights lined the halls in replacement of regular overhead lights; they flashed irregular colors while still keeping the atmosphere relatively dark. To the side of the entrance hall, the boys could peak into the living room/makeshift dance floor. Several bodies were mashed together there, indistinguishable in the dim light. The staircase across from that room was draped in toilet paper, as well as, someone's multicolored bra. At the very end of the hall was the lit kitchen, which is where Ryan immediately ran.

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