Doctor said to Singto "Baby's heart beat is becoming more slow Mr. Prachaya. Tell me immediately what is your decision?"

On that time Singto was standing with mae and pho outside the ward room. And he told everything about his decision related to Kit's condition. Mae was only crying and Pho said with heavy heart "We know that son, whatever you taking decision will be right for every one and.." before that Singto tightly hugged Pho and said with teary eyes "I want them Pho, I want them both. But I can't do anything except that."

"No son! No! you took right decision. Don't feel guilty. May be God gave our grandchild only 7 months of life. Don't consider yourself responsible for this." Mae said that while caressing on Singto's back. When he hugged pho.

Dr. Pak was standing there for asking to Singto.

"Yes Mr. Prachaya. Except that we can't do any thing. And we will put our whole effort to save them both. if we leave the baby inside mother's womb. Then baby can't breath or live and she will die after 1 or 2 days. And that will not good for mother too. And we operate the baby then we might save the both or might save the one at least. But we can't sure that after operation what will be the condition of mother. So you have to take quick decision." Doctor said to Singto.

Meanwhile one nurse came to the doctor and said "Doctor, patient is now concious."

Dr. Pak goes quickly when Mae -Pho also followed to dr. Then Dr. Pak said "Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Perawat but Mrs. Prachaya's condition is critical I can't allow you to meet your son now. Wait for while."

Dr. said to Singto "You have to come with me."

Mae was still crying. So pho gave side hug to mae to console her that 'Believe in god Keaw'

Then Pho came to Singto and said "Don't worry dear. All will be alright."

After getting some emotional incouragement from his in-laws. Singto felt strength to handle the situation. Then he goes with doctor in ODP room.

Singto said to Kit "Hon how you feeling?"

Kit mummured "Sing what happened to our baby?" While touching his baby bump.

Singto said "Our baby is fine. But the only thing is our baby wants to come outside now." Singto fake chuckled

"What? But how?" Kit asked little changing his position upward on bed.

"Mrs. Prachaya calm. It will be premature delievery." Dr. Pak said

"But why?" Krist asked with fearful.

Singto told the half truth to Kit and said "Baby's heart beat became slow. And if dr. will not operate now. Then it will bad for baby. So that's why..."

Kit breaked his talk and asked to doctor "Dr. But is it fine if my baby will birth before time?"

Then Singto said "All will be good and fine. Don't panic Kit."

Nurse prepared Kit for taking him in operation theater. And dr. Pak called Singto in his cabine.

Dr. Pak explained the whole circumstances while the operation to Singto in his cabine and said "And remember most important thing Mr. Prachaya we have to keep concious Mrs. Prachaya during the whole operation procedure. Because if he will become unconsious in the middle of operation. Then may be we couldn't save at least one too. So you have to keep this think in your mind during operation. You've to continue talk or keep concious your wife. Cause we can't make him unconsious. It will drops baby's pulse more and we will not able to save the baby."

Singto said "Okay dr. I'll do it. I want my wife and baby both."

"Hope for the best." dr. said that and goes for OT.

Singto goes to Krist in OT and said him while wipping Kit's forehead sweat "I'm here see! Don't be tensed okay"  Singto smiled and kissed Kit's forehead. So that all that will be  bearable for Kit.

Dr. said to Kit before giving cut on his lower belly "Mrs. Prachaya some sensation you'll feel but not too much. Only like ants are biting. Okay?"

"Hm" Kit's nodded his head. Coz he was wearing oxygen mask.

While seeing his wife's condition and pain Singto was also fighting with his own fear and emotions. But he had to be strong in front of his ill wife and that's why he stick his calm smile for Kit.

When dr. gave first insertion on Kit. "Aahh!" Sound came out from Kit's covered mouth *whine in hindered voice

Singto held more tight Kit's hand while seeing his wife in pain. He just turned his face other side from Kit and made his face normal. Coz  Singto became more senstive than Kit on that time. It was very painful to see his love in that condition and dreadful pain.

Kit shows thumbs up to Singto for telling him that I'm okay. So that Singto can feel normal and he don't try to make his face normal on Kit's face.

Then Singto whispered while little smile "Yah! I know you are my brave wife. And you can do anything."

While hiding his real pain Kit blinked his eyes in yes while trying to make his face smiley for Singto.

"My beautiful wife" Singto whispered with smile, having little wet eyes. And he caressed Kit hand which he holded in his hand.


Everything was going well till now when Krist's eyes started closing.

"Kit! Kit! Don't close your eyes."


"Don't close your eyes."

'Hm' Kit was answering while slowly closing his eyes.

"Dr.! Dr.! Kit closing his eyes." Singto panic

Kit's taking heavy and long breath "Um... haaaa...... ummm...... haaaaaaa....."

"Dr. Patient's heart beat becoming slow" Nurse said in panic

"Sav...e ou..r.." Kit kept repeating this until Kit's eyes closed.

📖 Thank you for reading it.❤❤❤ I tried to explain the real scene. But my vocabulory is not that much good.😊😊😊

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