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The sun was just beginning to seep through the cracks in the curtains of the room when the buzzer sounded. I sleepily stretched my hand out to stop the terrible noise and hit snooze. The small strands of light illuminated my curtains, turning the yellow into a glowing gold. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. A small groan sounded next to me as Jimin re-adjusted himself against my side. His arm wrapped around my waist, his head against my chest. I smiled as I looked down at his sleeping form, the outline of his slim body visible from the shape of the blankets.

Today was the day. We had been planning this trip for a while. Of course, it was my suggestion we visit Disneyland. I knew it was his favorite. Jimin and I were headed to Tokyo for the weekend. It was going to be a very special trip, one I hoped neither of us would forget. In fact, I had all my gear ready to make a vlog of our time there, since I was going to begin my own film brand, called Golden Closet Films.

But here's the thing. ARMY will think we went there as platonic friends, almost like brothers with similarities from Busan, just to get away and have fun. It's true we will have fun, but our relationship is so much more than that. The others know, they are very supportive, although it took some time for everyone to adjust. Our managers know, they tolerate it with rules of course. Jimin and I, well, we are a couple, more than platonic. In fact, we are engaged. We can't say anything, of course - we can't show ARMY. We try to hide our openness towards each other. Like all couples who naturally flow, we also tend to do or say things that would make us out as an obvious couple. The hardest part is having to show two separate sides, one our private life where we are free to express our love for one another, and the other for the public where we are bffs and can't be affectionate outside of a small touch or good time.

Our trip to Tokyo will be one of the first real interactions we will have as a couple without being around the other boys. My stomach fluttered just at the thought of being able to travel with my fiancé, unhindered because we will be in disguise. Once we get to Tokyo, it would be much harder to be recognized so we don't have to worry so much. I naturally tightened my arms around Jimin, squeezing him excitedly to wake him. He inhaled deeply, opening his eyes and looked up at me through his messy hair.

"Hmm?" he moaned lazily.

"Good morning sunshine," I whispered, burying my face in his hair. I heard him giggle and felt the rumble of his laughter against my chest. He stretched and sat up in the bed, his slim chest exposed to the sunshine. It reminded me of his Serendipity music video, where everything was yellow and bright. That's how I see him; he's my happiness, my everything.

I must have looked funny because when Jimin turned my way, he gave me a questioning look. I snapped out of my trance, sending him a huge smile as I sat up next to him.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" he asked shyly.

"Jimin, don't you remember what day it is?" I asked, excitement lacing my words.

He pondered for a moment, also admiring the sunshine on the curtains, before turning back to face me, his face beaming with realization.

"Tokyo!" he nearly screamed. He bounced out of bed, full of energy as he began checking over the bags in the corner of the room, making sure everything was packed and ready to go. I laughed at his energy and got up with him, both of us preparing for our flight.


We arrived at the airport with our luggage, thanking the driver for dropping us off. Checking our bags was easy – we soon got through customs and sat waiting for our flight. Jimin wore an all-black outfit, with a black hoodie, mask, and jeans. He had one of his hats on under his hoodie, making him look like a little duck when it stuck out from his hood. I snickered at how adorable he was. He had his handbag strung around his shoulder, completing the outfit, and I can honestly say he is the most handsome man to have ever existed. Maybe I have fallen for this boy, but I couldn't have helped it if I had tried.

Soon our flight was called and I pulled out my camera, deciding it was time to begin the documentary.

"Jimin hyung, go ahead of me so I can film," I said as he saw me position my camera strap around me. He nodded and we went through the line, reaching the boarding host and had our tickets verified. We sat in first class, placing our bags under the seats, and I looked out the window at the sky that had quickly become a melancholic grey. That didn't dampen my excitement though, I had my personal sun sitting right next to me. After finishing my filming, I switched off my camera and packed it back in my bag. Jimin played on his phone, texting his mother who always worried when he traveled, letting her know he was on the plane and we were about to leave. I sat back in my seat, letting the air conditioner blow against my face. A small hand rested atop mine on the armrest. Just that small touch sent a shiver through my body, and I looked over at him.

"I love you," I whispered. We still couldn't be very open because it was a Korean airline and someone might recognize us.

"I love you too," he whispered back. His fingers interlaced with mine as we hid our hands between the seat and armrest. I rubbed my thumb against his, something I did unconsciously but it was one of his favorite things. We listened patiently as the flight attendants went through the safety lesson and grew excited when the plane began to slowly make its way towards the runway.

"Jungkook?" Jimin called my attention from the window. I turned my head to face him, confused at the unreadable expression on his face. It worried me, and for a moment I wondered if he was having second thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked, some hesitation present in my voice.

"I just wanted to say something as we begin this trip. While it may only be a couple of days in length, I wanted you to know that it means a lifetime to me and I wouldn't change anything about us for the world."

He stared lovingly into my eyes as he spoke, and I felt the gravity of his words sink into my heart, warming it and sending electricity from our hands throughout my body. Peace flooded my mind and calmed me, relaxing into his touch meeting his gaze. This was finally it, we finally did it. We were finally going to celebrate properly, for the first time, our love for one another and acknowledge it fully with each other. We had a private ceremony performed months ago, with family and close friends who support us. We can't legally be married since it's still illegal in South Korea, but to me, he is my husband and I am his. This trip was more than just a getaway, it was our honeymoon.    

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