Ending 1 : I Love You Too

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As soon as he finished, he started sobbing loudly exploding at last with the pain of the regret of not telling Jimin about his secret feelings for him. He turned away his face from Jimin's grave, not being able to stare at it for longer. He saw you and ran into your arms, almost making you fall down. You hugged him and patted his back to calm the tall man. You looked at Taehyung, who was looking with a serious and absent look at Jimin's grave. He saw that you were looking at him and he turned his head and smiled faintly at you. You reached one hand to him and he grabbed it, almost hesitantly, taking at first your pinky in his big hands, then taking it all. You were almost going to cry, but you had to stay strong, so you didn't cry yet, even though your throat was tightening in the emotion. It was almost silent, except for Jin's muffled sobs into your shoulder and the crow letting out loud croaks in the distance.

Min Yoongi : Our letter I guess.

He unfolded a neatly twice folded paper and read it. Hoseok was already crying on the side, but didn't let out any sounds, trying to brave through it without crying. Their girlfriend stayed silent, but she put a comforting hand on Hoseok's shoulder, caressing it slowly. With one of his hands, he removed a tear from his face, almost denying his feelings. Yoongi stood straight in front of Jimin's tombstone and read it to him.

Min Yoongi : So, you're gone. Our little brother is gone. It hurts. We know how much you suffered through this career, so we both hope for the best for you up there. We hope you're better where you are right now, but we really wished you could have seen America. You remember the first time you came here, how ecstatic you were? You wanted to see everything, taste everything, talk to everyone. Here we are. You would have loved it here. We're far away from Namjoon and this whole mafia thing. We could all have finally become real singers, not part time singers. We don't know what we're going to do now, without you by our side, but we're going to live each day, one by one, as you told me and see where it'll bring us. We're...going to miss you. You energy. Your smile. Your enthusiasm. You all helped us survive Namjoon and we thank you for that. For all these good times, thank you. Your good friends and family, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok.

Yoongi stopped. He took a big deep breath in. You saw one of his tears fall off his face, rolling off his cheeks. He sniffed loudly and he got back next to Hoseok, giving him a big hug, before turning back to face Jimin's tombstone. Facing the cold reality that was sadly, almost impossible for him true, but it was the reality. He just had to accept it. Taehyung cleared his throat, ready for his speech. You already knew that it would be difficult for him, but he managed to say it all, his voice strangled by the emotion.

Kim Taehyung : We've had great memories together, Jimin. You've been the little bit of sunshine that lit up my life everyday, making me happy and cheery everyday, even when I didn't feel up to it. You were a great person and an amazing friend, always putting others' needs before his. We've been great friends, brothers and confidents, but I've been too blind to realize all of this. I was stupid. I put my needs before yours, when all of your life you put my needs and everyone's first, I put mine first, not caring about you. I am only a traitor. I didn't even once do like you and thought about others first. It was always my pain, my stress, not yours or anyone's. I am only a traitor who'd deserve death. By doing this, I've not only hurt you, I now realize that I've hurt everyone else who cared about you, like the selfish person that I am. I am sorry. I know you probably can't hear me, but I am really sorry. I hope you'll pardon me, even if it takes one million whips from Satan himself for you to do so. I miss you, Jimin. I never thought it would affect me so much, but it did. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. When we'll see each other some day, I'll be happy to say hi to you. You'll probably greet me with your smile, telling me everything is alright, but this time, I don't think it will be that way. The traitor that's part of your family, Kim Taehyung.

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