The Aftermath//Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

"One of our chasers had a bad accident and isn't allowed to play for the rest of the season. Since you two are technically students, you guys can try-out for the team if you want. I just wanted to let you know, since I'm captain and all, and I want to make sure everyone has a fair chance." Harry quietly spoke to us, his face a little red as if he was embarrassed.

"Thanks for letting us know Harry, we really appreciate it." Will responded.

"You know, I'll come try-out. Sounds like fun." I chimed in.

Harry smiled widely.

"You will? Great! I'll see you there, Saturday at 7 pm!"

He then left to talk to some other Gryffindor students.

"Nico!" Will whisper-shouted


"You can't go in the air! Zeus will strike you down!"

I chuckled.

"I can go in the air now. Dad made me complete tasks for both Zeus and Poseidon to allow me free reign everywhere." I explained.

"When did that happen?" He asked, genuinely shocked.

"Once he made me ghost king, in those like 3 weeks I was gone."

Will nodded, and we continued to eat our breakfast like nothing ever happened.


Suddenly, it was Saturday. The day for quidditch tryouts. I was excited, but also kind of nervous, as I'd never flown on a broom before. I decided to get to the pitch early to get some practice in.

As it turns out, I'm a natural on a broom. I controlled my speed and direction easily, and wound up becoming the new chaser for Gryffindor.

Harry announced it in front of everyone at tryouts, and I was met with an abundance of cheering. Will ran up to me spun me around, hugging me.

"I'm so proud of you!" He gushed.

It took all of my willpower to not kiss him right then and there.

"Come on. Let's head back to the dorms." I said.

Will nodded in agreement, and slung an arm over my shoulder, walking us back to our dorms.

Once we got there, I got changed and climbed into bed. Oh, I forgot to mention that will and I are roommates. He quickly climbed in next to me, and I cuddled into his warmth.

"I'm so proud of you, love. You were amazing out there." He spoke into my ear, before kissing me softly.

I beamed up at him, warmth flooding my chest from his sweet comment.


He chuckled deeply.

"Yes, really," I saw a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let me show you how proud I am."


I woke up a few hours later, drenched in sweat with tear tracks streaming down my face, shaking from the nightmare I just had. Will immediately was up and comforting me, holding me tightly and whispering words of comfort into my ear. After a solid half hour, I finally calmed down enough to start to fall asleep. I was about to fall asleep completely, when I felt Will get up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" I sleepily asked.

He paused.

"Just to the common room to get a quick drink."

They had equipped the common room with food and drinks, as the occupants tend to have late night snacks due to the trauma they have to deal with.

"Stay please." I whispered to him.

He shifted slightly. "How about this. You go to sleep, and I'll carry you so we don't have to be separated, and I can go to the common room?"

I sleepily agreed, and raised my arms to be lifted.

Since I'm so small, and kind of light, I easily could be situated on his hip.

"You are so adorable, Neeks. Now go to sleep. And in the morning we will talk about how you need to eat more. You shouldn't be this light."
I nodded and let sleep overcome me.


Will's POV

I looked down at the sleeping boy on my hip. Gods, he is adorable. How did I get so lucky? I shook my head slightly, focusing on just getting a drink and coming back so I could get some proper sleep as well.

I made my way down to the common room, and started to get my drink when I realized I was not alone.

"What are you guys doing up?" I asked, turning slightly to look at the group.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked back at me.

"Insomnia," Harry sheepishly explained.

"Hm," I answered, and turned my attention back on my drink.

I knew they had questions but I wasn't about to spill my secrets without being asked.

"Why are you carrying him like that?" Rom blurted out.

Hermione lightly hit him.

"Ronald, that was rude and uncalled for. Will, I'm so sorry, he didn't mean to intrude." Hermione sent a mild glare Ron's way.

"No it's alright." I shifted my focus from her to Ron. "To answer your question, Nico has had a rough childhood and it's only gotten worse. He gets terrible nightmares, and once they happen, he tends to get very clingy once awake. I needed to get a drink, but he just had nightmare and didn't want to be alone, so wala."

Ron looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

I sighed. "It's alright, I kind of snapped too. It's just late and he's my best friend. I'd do anything for him."

The trio looked at me with awe and respect.

I started to grow uncomfortable. I grabbed my drink and headed for our dorms.

"Have a nice night, guys." I called out to them.

"You too," they responded.

I closed the door to our dorm, gently setting Nico on the bed, before climbing in next to him and falling fast asleep.

A/N: Hey guys! Wow, it's been a reallllllyyyyyyyyyy long time since I've updated. I'm so sorry about that, but I'm super busy year round and I just don't have the time and motivation to write that often. That being said, this book is still active, it just might be a little while between updates. I'm doing the best I can. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Its kind of fluffy, but also a bit of a filler before I get into more of the interesting stuff, coming up in a few chapters. Thank you guys so much for 134K!! I'm so thankful for every single one of you. I love getting to read your wonderful comments, it really makes my day. I never thought I would reach 100K, but to surpass it was unthinkable. And it never would've happened if it weren't for you guys! So thank you. If y'all are interested in what I'm doing in the real world with theater, let me know. I'm in NJ, and tend to either be in a show or choreographing a show year round. So, if you ever want to meet me, I would recommend coming to a show! Anyways, thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! If you have any suggestions, or just want to talk, feel free to PM me! If you liked this chapter please make sure to vote and/or comment! I really appreciate it! Have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next chapter!
Peace out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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