Chapter 25/The Leaders Headquarters

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POV Maggie

What happened to Beth? Jason told us she went missing but why? Wouldn't they want Jonah too? This is all too confusing. I was finally making a friend and then I'm loosing her. I can't let that happen.

I close my eyes and listen in on the conversation that Jason and Jonah are having.

"We have to stay together! I am the only that has her scent!" Jason growl grows.

"But what if the leaders find us and take us all together. We know that Beth is in the headquarters. He scent we probably be in a lot of places so we can spread out. Caelia and Maggie will have a good chance because maybe Maggie can sniff some weird vampire scent out." Jonas voice sounds hoarse. "Then you and me can go too. If we find Beth I bet Maggie and Caelia will find someone too." His voice is laced with hope.

Jason sighs. "Fine. That seems like an okay idea. Do you have a mad of the headquarters?"

"Do you have a computer?" Jason laughs.

"This whole truck is a computer. I have no idea how to use it but I'm guessing you find that out." Right when he finishes saying that I hear Jonah start typing something. I guess he already found a keyboard.

I look behind me and see a projected floor blood map of the leader's headquarters. It's huge. How does Jonah know how to get this up?

"So this is the front entrance." A circle magically goes around what seems to be an entrance. Is Jonah doing all this? "We have to get there from most likely to the cells or the testing rooms. They might of held her in the cell but then are moving her probably in the morning to test." Testing. What kind of testing? I gulp at the thought.

I hope she will be okay for the time being. "We're here." Jason exclaims. I see that it's dark but the sun is rising. We don't have a lot of time.

Caelia slaps my back and I do the same to hers. Let's do this thing!

POV Beth

My skin burns. When I say burns I mean it. It's not like a normal feeling with the sun this times it's bad.

Slowly I open my eyes and look at my hand in horror. My ring is gone. Where is my ring! I huddle in the corner even more. It's helpful to be in a dark corner.

"Elizabeth. What's wrong?" Derek genuinely looks concerned for me.

"My ring must have fallen off on the way back here." I huddle more into the dark so I don't get burned.

The door flings open. "Where's her ring!" Derek scream at the person.

"All accessories were taken off her when in this building." The voice sounds very bored like she thinks she is wasting her time. I know exactly who it is. Rachel. "Now get up." She demands.

"No." I tell her. Her footsteps get closer. Right now I am not as strong as her because of this sunlight problem.

"My orders are to get you. I am not taking no for an answer." Before I can say anything else, my chains are unlocked and Rachel is taking my arm. We exit the room. I bet Derek in normal circumstances would be scream or something but he is too drained of energy.

"Give Derek blood." I say to her. She keeps walking. "Look here Rachel. Derek is going to die if you don't give him more blood."

"He won't die. Vampires are already dead. We are giving him an amount of blood that is needed. Shut up or I'll make you shut up." Her voice was so monotone. This isn't Rachel. It can't be.

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