Chapter 26/The Change

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*here you go. There are probably plenty of mistakes so bare with me. have fun. I don't even remember what in the beginning of this chap😂*

"Beth! You have been in your room for a whole week now. Come on. You should get out a bit." His voice annoys me. Why is it always his voice.

"Go away Jonah." I demand.

The door is locked and it has been that way for the past two weeks. "You know you can't keep yourself in there forever."

"I can try too." He grunts at how reluctant I am to come out of my room. Caelia and Maggie have been sleeping somewhere else in the pack house I suppose because I'm not letting anyone in.

He slams on the door hard so it makes me jump. "Fine. Rot in there for all I care." Then I hear Jonah's angry footsteps walk down the stairs. Finally so good old peace and quiet-oops I spoke too soon.

"I know this is tough for her but she has to start moving and, frankly, eating. When was the last time she ate?" Jason's voice says to someone.

"I don't give a shit." Jonah again. Why does he have to be in every conversation about me.

"Jonah. Don't say that. You out of all of us care the most." They are both trying to stay calm and not rip each other's throats out.

"Jason, I have been trying to talk to her for the past two weeks and all of her responses weren't that friendly at all." I should feel a bit guilty for being mean to him but I don't. I just don't. "I made a stupid decision and she is taking it pretty harshly."

Jason laughs a bit. "No kidding. How is she going to react when you killed them! Her other family." I feel a tear run down my face.

It seems like I have a lot of families. One is my family for sixteen years that are actually a fake family. The other one is Derek, my biological family. Them there is the pack that I can't leave without permission. And then, my hybrid family.

Then two girls I didn't know that well but they were so nice to me. They accepted me for who I am. They helped me not die when Rachel and Carly ganged up on me. They are hybrid and proud. Just like I should have been. Now they're dead. All because of Jonah.

"And now she has to deal with not having Scarlett and Alyssa helping her through this." I close my eyes and curl up into a ball. I start to cry. I have no one.

Beth are you alright? I stop crying and realize Jason's mind link is a lot stronger for one reason and one reason only.

It's a werewolf mind link only used for werewolves. It gets very strong when someone is a full werewolf. And let me tell you this. It's pretty damn strong.

Can I get you anything? Maybe some water or just some plain old food? My mouth water say the thought of food in my mouth.

Maybe a bagel and some orange juice. You can bring it up but only you. Even though the mind link is strong I feel weak. Weaker than I have ever felt in my entire life.

In a few minutes, which felt like hours, Jason knocks on my door. I slowly get up from my bed in the room and unlock the door walking back to the bed. "Hi." He says to me.

Today, Jason is wearing and dark red v-neck shirt and sweatpants. His hairs looks messy and not that sexy messy that usually happened with his hairs. This time, it's all greasy and gross like he hasn't taken a shower in days.

"Hi." I say softly. He is about to shut the door but then I realize I don't want him to leave. He is the most company I have had in two weeks. "Wait! Please stay." He smirks probably hoping that I would say that and sits down on Caelia's bed.

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