Chapter 5/Who Let The Wolf Out?

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"What's wrong Beth?" Maggie's asks. I don't reply. I just look at the wooden Vampire Stake in my hands. It's so old. Probably passed down from generation to generation. Then I'm the one that ends the chain. I feel a tear run down my face. That makes me even more angry. How can I be crying when my mom gave me this? I should be strong and calm. But I can't. This makes me angry.

The other school hunts and kills us. My mother went to that school. Probably killed many Vampires. What about my dad? How many of us did he kill?

I look at it one more time but this time I put both my hands on it and snap it in two. "What are you-" before my shocked roommates can say anything else I chuck it at the wall. If I threw something at the wall when I wasn't a vampire it would of just flopped down to the floor. Now, when I throw something it stays in the wall completely. I hear a few screams in the room next to us.

The door opens. "What the hell are you doing?!" I calmly look up and see Derek standing right at my bed.

"Nothing." I say. He looks over at the to pieces of the stake in the wall.

He doesn't believe that. He looks disappointed. Did he think my temper was not going to be bad? I am part werewolf and last time I checked Werewolfs have tempers.

"You guys are coming with me now." He gestures for us to follow out the door. He looks at Rachel and Maggie. "You two go to the hallway right lobby. Don't walk into the sunlight. I need to talk to Elizabeth for a moment." They don't argue they just start walking.

"What do you want to talk-" He cuts me off.

"What was that back there? That stunt with the stake snapped in two pieces?!" He sounds very annoyed.

"It was nothing just a little...angry."

"This is what your Werewolf side brings out. The aggression and anger for you it is amplified. A lot. Too much it seems like for you."

"You don't know anything about me." I try walking away but then he grabs my arm. Before he gets to say anything else I use my right leg and kick him so hard he gets pushed back a few feet and falls down.

I start running away."I am only trying to help you." I hear him say in a hushed tone. "With this power you already have, you could start a war."

He gets up. "But. I'm only 16? How could I start a war?"

"I was 20 when I killed 14 people. Who knows what a hybrid could do at 16. I just want to help you. And right now a way we help all vampires. So come on." He takes my arm and somehow he takes me while using vampire speed. I thought it would be a boring ride but it wasn't. I saw all these color swirling around me. It was so beautiful. Then it ends and we get to the hallway where Maggie and Rachel are. "Okay. Rachel you're first. Take my arm. You two stay right here." Rachel takes his arm without thinking then they're off.

Maggie looks at me."Dont you think Derek is sort of hot?"

I look at her. "Are you really having the hots for Derek. You know he is like 50 right?"

She crosses her arms. "I'm talking about his appearance not his age."

"Then fine. No I don't." Before she try's to change my mind I change the subject. "Where do you think they are going?" I say.

Maggie shrug."Probably some spooky classroom we haven't explored yet."

"That reminds me. Where did you guys go today when I wasn't with you?"

"Oh we checked out the other wings. We weren't able to get into the Werewolf wing because something was blocked us just like when we were getting into the castle. I guess we have to be invited in."

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