"Ne oji-San (old man) where's your shirt?" I asked.

He looked down and saw no shirt. "When did that happen?! AND I'M NOT AN OLD MAN!" He shouted.

"If anything, that Leorio dude is an old man!" He shouted pointing at Leorio.

"Why does EVERYONE say I'm an old man?! I'm only 19!!" He shouted.

Everyone in the guild excluding me, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio was shocked.

"No way!" Pinky shouted.

"Do I look THAT old?!" Leorio shouted.

"Yes!" Pinky shouted dumbly.

The blond one face-palmed.

"That's not nice Natsu" the furball said.

Leorio got a tick mark. "Ne Leorio-San! What about you?" The short blue-haired girl asked.

'Now that I think about it, Leorio never told us about his family.' I thought.

"Ya! You never told us your family Leorio!" Gon said.

Leorio POV

"Mine is short and simple. I wanted to become a hunter for Money!" I started.

I saw everyone sweat-drop.

"I mean, you can buy anything with money! Big houses, brand new cars, liquor, and so much more!!!" I said enthusiastically.

"You can't buy everything with money" someone said.

"I feel like Leorio isn't telling us something." The guy with no shirt said.

"Do you want to tell them?" Kurapika whispered.

I reluctantly nodded my head.

"The truth is . . . When I was young, I used to live in a neighborhood that was very poor. My best friend was sick and we couldn't afford treatment. One day, while we were playing a game, he collapsed and he" I paused. "He died" I finished.

Everyone was quiet. Kurapika put his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh . . . I'm so sorry" The girl with red hair said.

"It's not your fault." I said.

I thought for a bit and I started getting frustrated. 'WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES?!' I shouted in my head.

"Ne. What are your names?" Gon asked.

"I'm Lucy!" The bond haired Girl said.

"I'm Erza" the red head said.

"I'm Natsu" The pink haired guy said.

"I'm Gray" the no shirt guy said.

The other people in the guild also introduced themselves.

"So what about Kurapika?" Erza asked.

Kurapika POV

I sighed. "Very well. I will tell you." I said.

"The truth is that I'm from something called the Kurta clan. We're known for our eyes" I said.

"What's so special about your eyes?" Natsu asked.

I took my lenses off and everyone except Leorio, Gon and Killua gasped.

"Your eyes. They're so red and beautiful" Lucy said.

I nodded my head. "Thank you" I said.

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