Chapter 29

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Alexa's PoV

His arms tightened around me like he didn't want to let go and I snuggled closer to him relishing in the moment.

Slowly he pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I missed you." His deep voice made me shudder as I felt so small under the intensity of his gaze.

"I missed you too." I tried to smile convincingly so that he wouldn't notice how weak my knees felt in that moment.

"Come inside, you must be freezing." He started walking up the small steps after grabbing my stuff and turned around to see why I wasn't following him. My eyes scanned the huge house that I would be staying in the next few weeks. The last few times I was here I didn't really have the opportunity to get a good look at it and how huge it actually was. I played with the sleeve of my sweater uncomfortably after realising how many werewolves were probably inside right now.

Max made a few careful steps towards me after noticing my discomfort and slowly held my hand in his. "I'm right here okay?" he gave me a sweet look of comfort that made my heart fill with warmth.

I nodded and walked inside.

Isaac was stood leaning against the couch whilst talking to a guy I didn't recognise and they seemed to be quite deep in conversation until they sensed our presence and turned around.

"Alexa, welcome to the pack house, this is Alpha Adam, we'll be having a party to celebrate our alliance. I hope you'll have settled in by then and be able to join us?" he spoke in a polite manner that I didn't recognise and gave me a kind smile that helped me relax.

"Yeah. I'd love to." I looked up at Max who gave me a reassuring smile.

The man called Adam started moving closer and his eyes trailed over my body making something in me twist with nerves. They then lingered on our interlocked hands and finally met mine.

"Well hello Alexa, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Adam." he put his hand out probably expecting me to shake it. He emphasised the syllables in my name in a discomforting manner but I tried to act cool as though it didn't phase me. Feeling Max's hand tense in mine after having seen the way Adam obviously checked me out I gave it a reassuring squeeze and used my free hand to shake Adam's. If he was the Alpha who supposedly 'threatened' our pack before this alliance then I didn't want him to think we were weak.

Making sure I gave him a firm handshake I smiled and returned the compliment.

"Let's go." Max pulled me by the arm after having watched the entire exchange.

"I hope to be seeing you tonight!" Adam called out after us as we made our way to the stairs.

Max's jaw clenched and he muttered an "I hate that guy." as we walked down a long hallway filled with rooms.

"Hey, it's okay. Ignore him." I said as we reached the end of the hallway where a window looked out into the garden. Max turned the doorknob beside the window and allowed me to step inside.

The room was quite simple with a king bed in the middle of the grey walls. A window let the light stream through onto the white covers and illuminated the blue carpet and wardrobe. There was also a desk with a chair that looked really comfortable, but my eyes narrowed as I saw all the things scattered around the room.

"This is your room isn't it?" I asked rhetorically as I turned around to face him.

But before I could even get a look at the smirk plastered on Max's face I was pushed onto the bed and a weight was pressed onto me.

"Great observation, you are correct." The idiot grinned as I struggled to break free from his grasp. His hands pinned my wrists by my sides to stop my struggling and although I tried to fight against him (as I was never going to give him the satisfaction of winning against me) he still managed to be probably ten times stronger than me.

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