"Well," I could practically hear the smile forming on her lips, not wanting to imagine the things that should be running through her brain. "Yes, I do."

"There you go." I smiled. "Plus, you'll be moving out in six months, not tomorrow. You'll have plenty of time to see how the relationship keeps evolving and if it is meant to be." It felt strange to think about my best friend not living with me anymore, but at the same time I couldn't help but feel extremely content with her own happiness. "I know it must be scary, heck-if Ethan ever asked me to move in with him I would be frantic-, but you will be just fine. Plus, you have Jacob and me to kick his ass in case anything happens."

While my friend laughed in response, I couldn't help but picture living with my lovely ex-professor. The single thought sent tingles down my stomach. It would be too soon. I still hadn't admitted my own feelings towards him and wasn't even sure if he seconded them. But something about the idea of waking up to him every day made my body shiver.

"Anyways, enough about me." Her tone turned into the playful self I was utterly used to. "How's your dream-week with mister McHottie going?"

I snorted in response. I had barely forgotten about that nickname of hers. "It's been amazing. Since break doesn't end until Sunday, we were thinking about delaying our stay for a few more days. Start the year here."

Today was the last day of the year. Ethan and I had planned on going to a dinner date-never seen by the human eye, I know-, but since we were in such an odd location for the holidays, we thought we might as well try something new: outdoor dates. Besides, no one really knew us here. Albeit me growing up here, if I ever came across bumping into someone, they couldn't possibly know our relationship was-or at least used to be- quite unethical.

After fifteen more minutes of telling Kate all about Christmas clubbing, bumping into Diana and Sophie and actually meeting up with the sweet girl alone for a brunch -which had been an enjoyable event-, we said our goodbyes as I hung the phone to stand up from the hotel room's bed and take a shower.

It was about ten in the morning, I had been woken up by Ethan's phone ringing around nine thirty and he had been speaking with that person ever since. Deciding on giving him more space, instead of walking into the dinner area of the place and finding him, I took my time on getting ready, choosing to wear some dyed mom-jeans and a white oversized sweater, tugging under the denim fabric. It was a chilly day, so I would probably have to wear my black fluffy jacket on top of it when I headed out to the streets.

Paying attention to my growling stomach, my feet determined me to guide myself towards any source of food. Entering the dining area, I came across an agitated Ethan. His back was faced towards me, but I could tell he was uneasy by his posture. He was pacing, looking through the glass wall out to the streets of Chicago as one of his hands gripped the phone tightly close to his ear as the other one kept occasionally running through his messy curls.

"Keep me updated, I'll be there tomorrow first thing in the morning." He terminated the conversation with whoever the person might have been as he turned around letting a soft sigh, realizing my presence. His expression instantly softened by my sight, which made my cheeks gain a rosy shade. "Hey there."

"Morning." I answered, making my way towards him. Reaching his side, I leaned in for a soft peck, melting into the simple action as my hand came to the side of his face, caressing his now three-day beard. "Everything alright?"

"Yes. But I'm afraid I'll have to leave tonight after midnight." His hands wrapped around my waist firmly. "You don't have to come. You can just stay and enjoy the rest of the break."

"Why? What happened?" Worry took over my system as Ethan's fingers found a lock of hair falling onto my face and softly placed it behind my ear.

"It's Dominik." Alarm filled my mind at the thought of the old German man I had been introduced to back at Munich. I watched as he carefully chose his next words. "He has Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome." I cursed under my breath. "He was admitted into the emergency room last night due to seizures and coughing blood."

Unassailable: The professor.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن