Chapter 24:- What the heck Rachel? Where are my Clothes?

Start from the beginning

Soon I was out of the bathroom and wore my PJ's that were dumped on the chair next to my study table, and then I ran toward the cupboard to look for my super comfy blue sweater and then my plan was to just lie down and watch YouTube for the rest of the night!

As soon as I looked into the cupboard my jaw dropped!

"Where are my clothes?!", I screamed.

I ran downstairs and in excitement tripped and instead rolled down to the end of the stairs.

"Ouchhhh..", I looked up to Rachel giving me a warm grin.

I stood up without wasting a second and gave her THE LOOK! You know, the look that you give someone when your just waiting for them to confess for their sins, add to that I was taller than her so I was practically towering down at her! But all of this was in vain because this crazy wamen did not even twitch an eye!

"I ask again, Where are my CLOTHES?!", eyes still not taken away from hers.

She was cool as a cucumber, instead of being a coward she just grabbed my hair and pulled me down and whispered,"I took out the trash dimwit."

Subconscious Mind:-"oHHHHH the shivers down his spine! I can only imagine how bad ass that could have been! Oh wait...yeah it's happening in front of me.."

I was dumbfounded, flabbergasted...(insert synonyms to over exaggerated words describing a situation like this)

I ran outside and towards the trash can outside the house and pushed the lid up out find 8 bags in there! OOhhhh the poor meee! I was about to give a dramatic end dialogue to my sister about "old is gold" when Mom walked out of the house and just shut me down.

"Don't act like those were all your clothes, you know for a fact that you only wore like 5 T-shirts and that same pajamas all the time! The truth is only one bag contains your clothes and rest are just the actually trash around the house, thanks to Rachel the house finally looks guest friendly!"

I shied away and ran upstairs like a diva who saw her ultimate crush, but before I could slam the door shut Rachel called out to me and pointed at a bunch of shopping bags in the hallway.

I ran downstairs again and found 7 bags full of men's clothing! H&M, Aeropostale, AllenSolly and a box that said GUCCI!

"Are you serious? All of this for me?!", I picked up the Gucci box that contained a Black Gucci Sweater! You know the one with the "Gucci" written like a cross!

My dad walked in and gave me a pat on the back,"It was her first salary on her internship in Morgan Stanley, go thank her!"

I was speechless! Her first salary and she spent it on meeee?! Oh I felt like a spoiled brat! I hugged Rachel like the small teddy bear that I was!

Subconscious Mind:-"uhhh, practically you were bigger than her in size, sooooo you should not be called small...Alright I won't ruin in the moment!"

"Thanks! Like a lot! I'm serious but you didn't have to the throw away my clothes didn't you?", I gave a my cutest face that I could pull off.

She immediately grabbed the sweater away from my hands and said,"Uhh this is for your cousin. Everything else is yours."

My face dropped.

My first Gucci product that I got, wasn't for me after all?! What the heck!

I took a step back and gave my sassiest look to her and asked,"Oh! If it was't for me then for WhO  Is It FoR?!"

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